Chapter Thirty-Four

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Author's Note: Okay. Okay. Let me explain you a thing. Actually no. Just be aware that a lot of things went into this chapter, and a lot of scarier things emerged when all was said and done. I...I just...I truthfully had no intention of this change but when I stumbled into it, I liked it too much to resist. So try not to hate me too much. I'm really interested to know what you guys think, so please, please comment. And know that I have been torturing my dear, lovely friend Shannon with this chapter, keeping its contents entirely secret for a long time. And remember, Chapter Thirty-Four will be our safe word. Little bit of a warning for language and graphic content.



"Well look who has come back to visit the monster!" An unfamiliar guard cackles as I approach. The other guard looks both petrified and worried. I smile at them.

"It is I, yes," I laugh lightly. Then I grip the asshole by the front of his armour, holding him fast as my skin deepens to its natural blue hue. He stops laughs and instead trembles under my scrutinizing gaze. "I am the other monster, and you would do well to keep ignorant comments to yourself. I may not have grown up Jotun, but I'm a terribly fast learner. Now get out before I freeze your heart in its place."

The guards go scurrying off without protest. Something I may just have to bring up with Thor. I open the door to Loki's cell and it hurts a little to be back inside. I shift back to my human form, not particularly keen on the association I have with that part of myself at the moment. The thought of my icy blue skin turns my blood cold.

"Loki?" I call to him quietly as he sits, facing the other direction. His shoulders are hunched forward, hair obscuring his face again. I bend down at his side and reach up, stroking his cheek and pushing his hair back behind his ear. He picks his head up to give me a broad smile. I smile back at him with relief, pulling his head close to my chest.

"You're in good spirits, then?" I ask breathlessly.

"Considerably better, now, at least."

"Watch it, Silver Tongue!" I warn with a wink as I release him. I take a seat on the floor next to him, not quite ready to face the Asgard I have grown weary of just above us. "Loki, I am so glad to see you again."

"Were we parted long? I had no concept of time locked away in here," he admits, reaching out for my hand. He weaves his fingers through mine and gives them a reassuring squeeze.

"Days," I nod. "I'm afraid I did a bit of moping."

He laughs, "And, how are you feeling...after Thanos...?" He drifts off and looks down at my hand. His brow furrows, seeming to notice the marred skin of my palms, the burns of my left hand traveling up past my wrist and wrapping around my forearm. I tug the sleeve down a bit. "You have not been healed?"

"Somewhat. While I was unconscious they mended my broken ribs, closed my wounds, brought the swelling down. But Odin was hesitant to allow them to simply heal me, Thor said. I think it was because he was afraid Eir would return my immortality. I was just glad to have fingernails again," I smile weakly. I regret telling Loki about Odin's wishes because it instantly dampers his mood.

Loki looks at me again, "What did Thanos want of you?"

"He wanted for me to be his ally." Just like my father, I think to myself. I could tell Loki, couldn't I? But what would he do? Kill him, most likely. He is still my father and the idea of allowing Loki to kill him does nothing to settle my unease. If I tell Loki it will just be bound to put Loki in danger again and I cannot do that. I don't want him involved, and if that means I must consent to my father's plan...

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