Chapter Thirty-Six

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Author's Note: I genuinely thought about putting this note at the end of the chapter, and then I panicked. I guess I'm a creature of habit. I just keep thinking about how much I've written and for how long and I am astounded that you have all come so far with me! It makes me feel unecessarily loved. Hey, if you've been reading and never commented before--take a chance and make your voice heard! I'd like to say hi to you too! Also, the chapter isn't astoundingly long, however, I've been updating a lot lately, so I feel it's a fair tradeoff! :P I might take a few days off to have to myself and catch up with writing, but who knows. I may still update. Sometimes I just can't resist! So, here is Chapter Thirty-Six and a big old virtual hug!



I push my food around my plate, listening to Thor regale everyone with another tale. He snatches my untouched goblet up and I don’t bother to stop him. He downs the drink and carries on with his story. But I can see how tired he truly is. The stress is eating away at him, and if I myself had the strength I would tell him to sit the fuck down and take a step back for just an hour and rest. But that’s not my place, and the most energy I can gather is to push my food around. I feel pathetic despite that fact that Thor and Loki have both assured me that my lethargy is perfectly acceptable considering all that has happened lately. It’s been a week. I keep expecting to wake up and feel fine. And I mean, I do feel fine, physically of course. Loki has been slowly and steadily healing me. I asked that he leave the scars however. I like thinking we have something we can share, and furthermore, I like having a little fuel for revenge.

“…and then I grabbed the Bilgesnipe by its horns…and…” I look up as Thor trails off and notice how unsteady he is on his feet. Loki looks at me from across the table and he hops up to aid Thor. He sits him down and pats his shoulder uncertainly.

“Yes, yes, and then the Bilgesnipe was slayed and the day was saved!” I cheer half-heartedly and the few gathered smile and nod at me, exalting Thor’s exploits. I can’t tear my eyes away from him until Fandral grabs my arm and my attention.

He leans close, whispering in my ear, “I’ll flash them a smile and that is your chance to get Thor out of here.”

I laugh emptily. “Got it.” I get up slowly, steadying my own self before I offer my support to Thor. I look at him and something more is wrong than simple exhaustion. I touch him and he is burning to the touch.

“Loki, get him to Eir. Now,” I say lowly, hoping to avoid prying ears. Sif gets up and helps Loki with Thor’s weight and they whisk him away from the hall. I look down at my empty cup, knocked over at Thor’s place setting. I pick it up and look inside, noting the bitter smell. I run my finger inside the cup and there is a hint of powder at the base.

“Fuck!” I mutter and tuck the cup into my sleeve, rushing off to meet the others. I find my way there quickly but Eir is nowhere to be found. An assistant I have seen before is holding up a bowl as Thor empties the contents of his stomach into it.

“He was poisoned,” I inform Loki and Sif immediately and Sif takes the cup to the healer.

Solanum nigrum,” she whispers, eyes wide. My heart seizes up. “Black nightshade. Fret not. I have just the thing.” She conjures a draught as I watch idly, Loki providing a little assistance to the healer. She opens Thor’s mouth and rubs the cure over his gums and then pours a bit down his throat. He coughs and sputters for a while, but soon his colour returns and other than the sheen of sweat, he appears perfectly well again. I let out a pent up breath and grip the edge of the examination table for stability. I lay my hand on Thor’s shoulder.

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