Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Author's Note: You people should know I stayed up extra late to post this for you. Okay, not that late. You caught me. I really wanted to get it out there because I'm interested to see what the response to this chapter will be after the comments from the last one. It was great to hear from so many of you, shoutout  to all of you guys who commented! I expect to hear from even more of you hooligans from here on out! Also, I'm very excited for some stuff that I've written tonight that will be coming soon! And now, onwards!



“Well,” Dr. Banner says, removing his glasses. I can’t help but note how dramatic the actions seems. Like a proper daytime drama, “well, he’s not dying.”

“That’s great!” I exclaim. Stark and Banner look at me skeptically. “I’m not allowed to be happy? He is my friend.”

“Loki Laufeyson does not have friends,” Tony scoffs.

“He does in me. I don’t care about what he’s done…well, I do, but I have seen the good in him. I care about him and as much as he refuses to admit it, he cares about me. He can be a good person sometimes. He’s only done this because inside he is just a scared little boy,” I take a deep breath and both men are looking at me expectantly. “So, maybe he tried to kill me…but, but I realize now it’s because he is not used to being able to trust people. He panicked. I can be mad at him, but not now. Now I care about his safety and getting him home again.”

Tony strides closer to me, and peers into my eyes. He reaches up and touches my cheek lightly. I had forgotten about my bruise until his fingers prod it and I wince. He drops his hand, shaking his head back and forth. “I dunno, kiddo. Doesn’t seem like a happy home life to me. Maybe you should leave the Mister and get safe instead. If you feel like you really need a god-boyfriend, I can think of a brother who’s rather handsome.”

“I don’t…I’m not,” I groan, tugging my hand through my tangled hair. “Loki and I are not together, I can assure you of that.”

Loki groans on the table and I reach for his hand. It is clammy and cool to the touch and I squeeze it reassuringly. “You’re going to be okay, Loki. You just need to rest.” I let go of his hand.

“Now what, Blondie?”

“Now, now we must get Thor. The best option is to get Loki home to Asgard, I think.”

“Are we allowed to do that? I mean, he’s a war criminal, Tony,” Dr. Banner says. “Fury won’t be too happy with us.”

“To hell with Fury. JARVIS?”

Yes, sir?” Comes a disembodied and vaguely British voice.

“Tell Pepper to get Thor on the phone—wait,” Tony pauses and looks at me, “can we do that? I’m not actually sure…”

I shrug, “I would assume not. I don’t know how we would go about contacting Asgard. I recall that when Thor first took me there he called out for Heimdall to open the Bifrost.”

“Well, let’s call for Heineken, then.”

Heimdall. And it’s not that simple. The Bifrost isn’t working. That’s why Loki depleted his resources trying to escape from Asgard and bring us here,” I explain, feeling like this conversation is getting us nowhere quickly. Tony nods and then sets to stroking his beard.

Loki murmurs my name and I glance down at him again, feeling a seizing in my heart. I can only hope that if I was in his place he would have gone through the same trouble for me. Okay, okay, wishful thinking. “Can we get Loki into a bed or something while we sort this out? He needs sleep.”

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