Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Author's Note: You know what I could never spell when I was younger? Separate. Maybe my confusion stemmed from how my sixth grade teacher decided to pronounce words with her terrible New England accent. If you're unfamiliar, think heavy A-vowels and adding unnecessary Rs to words ending in A and other vowels. So she would always pronounce my name like KEER-ER. No. That's not my name. Keara. A. AHHHH. Okay, I don't know why I'm thinking about this right now. I'm going to make some mac 'n cheese. Onto the chapter--leave me comments! They feed my souuuul!

OH. Important. There is a lot of reference to mythology in this chapter, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. I'll add a note at the end to clarify a little. I've adapted one of the characters to suit my needs a little. Okay, now onto the chapter!



I drum my hands on the table, eyes open and focused, unblinking, locked onto his. Finally the corner of my mouth quirks into a smile and I bang my flat palm against the rough wood.

"I win!" The little boy at the opposite end of the table cheers, pumping his fist in the air.

I laugh, "You've bested me again, Narfi! What do I owe you now?"

"Two sweet cakes and your hand in marriage," the precocious little ten year old smirks.

Gyn laughs, patting her son on the head, ruffling his dark curls. "Narfi, you know you cannot marry Val."

"She'll wait for me, won't you, Val?" Narfi grins. I can't help but laugh at him, shaking my head.

"Afraid not, I may be a little obligated," I smile faintly, thinking of Loki. Vàlia sits down next to me, smiling up at me. She has blonde curls like her mother, and vivid green eyes like her brother. I envy her blind but youthful exuberance. Though together, this family makes me feel a little okay again. Like things can be good and happy.

Vàlia clings to my arm, "I think Val is in love! With who?"

"Uh uh, I don't think so!" I smile. "I think some things are better left alone, wouldn't you agree Gyn?"

Gyn places a plate in front of me and I nod appreciatively. She gives me a knowing look before returning to the kitchen area. "I think that perhaps we should allow our new friend to keep her own secrets, Vàlia."

"I don't actually mind," I shrug. I prop my elbows on the table and lean forward. "There is a boy who quite honestly hasn't always been the nicest to me, and has a lot of his own problems, but we understand each other I suppose."

"Well that doesn't sound like much fun," Vàlia pouts.

I tilt my head to the side, "No, it doesn't. But you know when love is real. You get this feeling like butterflies in your stomach and you smile just to think about them. One day you'll have a prince of your very own, Vàlia. I promise."

Vàlia grins, "I'd certainly like a prince. One in particular..."

"Oh? Who might that be? Who is the fairest prince in all the Nine Realms?"

"Thor!" She giggles and I can't help but laugh.

"Well, that is a good choice. He is rather handsome, isn't he?" I agree, thinking fondly of him. It's only been a few days and I miss him desperately. He makes me happy and safe. He's like the big brother I only wish I have.

I open my mouth to say something but there is suddenly voracious pounding at the front door. I look up to Gyn but she is already at the door. I grip the back of my chair, worried that it may not be good news...or more specifically, not good people. The door swings open and I can hear Gyn gasp. I leap from my chair and turn around and there is Loki.

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