Chapter Thirty-Two

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Author's Note: Hello again my loves. Indeed I forgot to preface the last chapter with a warning for graphic torture, so I apologize. There shall be none of that in this chapter, that much I can promise. Also, this chapter is relatively short so I figured I'd just post it. It's a little transitional, so forgive me. Comment and vote and let me know how you're feeling. I live only to serve you wonderful people!



I wake up and blink a few times, trying to clear the heavy feeling from my eyes, and attempting to make sense of my fragmented memories. Firstly, where in the hell am I? I try and sit up but pain courses through my body and I lay back down in defeat. There is a rustling sound and I turn my head to the side to see Thor jumping towards me.

So, I must be dead. 

Of course, things are never what they seem.

“Lady Val, you are awake!” Thor roars and I wince at the sound of his voice. I’ve missed it, but not enough to enjoy its sheer volume right about now.

“I’m only half convinced,” I mutter, not really intending for Thor to hear. He frowns at me and sits himself down next to me, taking my hand carefully in his. My jaw aches as well, and my mouth feels dry, my skin cracked and stinging around my lips.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve been hit by a truck…and then backed over again,” I admit which I am certain will only further Thor’s concern. “You saved me from Thanos.” It isn’t a question. I vaguely recall the sound of Loki’s voice screaming as Thor muttered reassurances in my ear. I wasn’t entirely unconscious, but definitely not strong enough to muster any sort of life signs. It took all my power to keep on breathing long enough for them to get me.

"Where is Loki?" I ask as Thor grips my hand a little tighter. He stops rubbing patterns into the back of my hand and looks off a bit. "I'm not an idiot, I know that means it's not good news."

"Loki has been apprehended for absconding to Midgard," Thor sighs. "And for deliberately disobeying the orders of the council."

"Too much alliteration for my taste," I grumble. "Why? He saved me. Doesn't that mean anything?"

"Apparently not," he turns his gaze back to me. I force myself to sit up.

I point an accusatory finger, "You went with him. You saved me too. So you don't get in trouble for breaking the rules?" He has no response to this. I try and pull my legs to the side despite the pain and I kick Thor off of the bed. "I want to see him."

Thor shakes his head as he attempts to gently force me back down. I muster whatever strength I have and push him away so that I can stumble to my feet. Pain races through me and I grit my teeth to hide it away. I can bear the pain for a while if it means I get to make sure Loki is okay. He risked everything to save me—the least I can do is repay the favour in my own way.

“Valkyrie, please wait!”

I start to run, despite all the pain, despite the cuts on the bottom of my bare feet, despite every single piece of me feeling as though it is going to tear away from the whole. I keep running, sliding down the stairs, catapulting myself past the guards and nearly throwing myself at Loki’s cage. But he’s not in there. I look around and I hear Thor coming after me. Off somewhere in the distance I hear a scream that pierces me to my very core. My heart breaks and I limp off toward the source of the sound, knowing that somewhere Loki is being tortured all because of me. I head down a narrow corridor and wait between the door for some sound, some sort of clue.

Loki screams out again from behind the door directly in front of me. I want to cry, but it won’t do me any good. I reach for the handle of the door and grip it tightly, wincing as the rusted metal rubs against my burned palms.

"Loki!" I call as I heave the door open. He lays in the center of the room, groaning and twitching. He reaches out and I rush to his side, clutching him tightly to my chest. He claws at me.

"Loki, it's me! Shush, love!" I try and calm him down but he is twisting in unnatural ways. He mutters something and lets out a yelp. His body is fine from the outside, unmarred, but it begins to dawn on me that they are torturing his mind. Making him believe that he is being tortured physically when it really exists only in his head. And that is the worst possible thing Odin could do to him. Let me just add that to the list of reasons why I so desire to punch the Allfather in the face.

Loki opens his eyes and looks up at me, “Valkyrie?”

“I—” The guards come rushing in to pull me away from Loki and I watch as Loki is pulled to his feet. We are dragged out of the door and back towards the open area where Loki’s glass cell remains. The guard holding Loki pulls him towards the cell, the place where he has spent so much time, where his darkest memories lay. I can only call out for him, being pulled away by a man much stronger than myself. Damn Aesir.

“Loki,” I breathe his name on my lips and break free from my guard just as the other brings Loki to the door of the cell. I run to Loki, pushing his guard aside in the process and then pressing Loki up against the glass door. I wrap my arms around his neck and do what I never thought I would be doing. I kiss Loki, pressing my lips fervently against his, gripping his hair for stability. My lips meet his again once more before I am ripped apart from him.

“I think you have an inkling of my feelings for you too, Loki,” I smile faintly as Loki is locked away again and I am dragged back upstairs. It seems as though we’ve come back to the place where we started—and if I’ve learned anything, that means we’ve got a long way to go.

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