Chapter Forty-Eight

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Author's Note: Sorry for another long wait, I've been incredibly busy! Gah! It's absolutely crazy to me how far this story has come, with such wonderful and devoted fans like you guys. So many chapers. So little time. And so few more left. It's bittersweet knowing how close the end is. Well, anyway, it's been taking me a long time to write the last few chapters, namely because I am busy in production for two different shows right now, but also mostly because they are very difficult chapters for me to write. War is not an easy thing. You people wanted a war, and so, here comes your war, at long last! I've also included a song in the sidebar that I jammed to while writing this chapter. I also jammed to it because I love Fall Out Boy. That's besides the point. So, check out The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy, off their new album. Good stuff. Onwards. 



 Loki and I dash down the hall, side by side, ushering forth Frigga and my mother. Frigga keeps protesting that we cannot merely hide them away while we go off to fight, but I'm mostly tuning her out, trying to avoid the blood soaked images in my head.

Frigga stops suddenly, "You are our children. Do not expect that we will merely hide ourselves away in quiet while you go out and put yourselves in the very grip of danger. I will not stand for it!"

Loki opens a door and I shove our mothers inside. "Then sit awhile, mother," Loki says coldly.

"I'm terribly sorry. We love you," I say hurriedly. Loki grabs me by the forearm.

"And I love you...perhaps, perhaps you should stay here with them," Loki suggests, lowering his voice. I simply stare at him a moment before I twist out of his grip and laugh in his face. I head out of the room in a huff, and Loki trails behind, casting an enchantment over the room.

"I figured as much," Loki says. I don my helmet and Loki does likewise, somehow managing to pull off his golden horns. He makes it work, unfairly well. My helmet is silver, and arcs across my forehead, coming to a point between my brows. The sides fit snugly against my cheek bones, ending at my jaw. The pattern of golden and silver loops adorns the top of the helmet as well, forming neat rows until the ornamentation of loops meet in the back and swoop down, protecting the back of my neck in dangling rows of iron. I make sure all my hair is tucked inside the helmet for practical purposes. Nothing like getting dragged down and beheaded because you couldn't manage to keep your hair out of the way.

When he rejoins my side we head towards the actual battle. As we run, flying past grand pillars, and elaborate tapestries, I cannot help but wonder what will become of Asgard. Or what will become of us all. The fear rises up in me, as I expected it would, but I quell it with a thought of those whom we are protecting. Not only Frigga and Astrild. Not only the wealthy inhabitants of the palace. But the common people. The children. Embla. Vàlia and Narfi.

Everything Asgard stands upon, we fight for today.

Loki takes me by the hand just before the stairs leading down onto the Bifrost. I turn to him and give him a tight-lipped smile which he returns by grasping the back of my head and kissing me passionately.

"I never doubt for a moment your strength and intelligence and your cunning. But the thought of losing you nearly drives me to madness. I only wish to do what I can to protect you, and nothing more. You are what is most sacred to me, Valkyrie Sutton," Loki says, running his thumb over my cheek. I bring my mouth to his once more, lingering despite the fact that my body is screaming to go and fight. I close my eyes for just an instant, trying to remember this specific sensation—his body pressed to mine, hand caressing my cheek, tongue gently dancing across my lips.

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