Chapter Forty-Six

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Author's Note: Why am I always writing and editing and watching movies at the same time? I'm watching video blogs. You think I would have learned my lesson by now that I really can't multitask properly. I apologize if any of my writing seems disjointed or anything, you can always give me constructive criticism. I haven't had a lot of time lately to just get a lot of writing done in one sitting. And even if I do sit down with that intention, it never happens. Or I get distracted. By things like vlogs. Also, I had a dream last night that they are making an Avengers musical. That would be cool. Okay, okay, I know, on with the story, and here comes the surprise that I guess wasn't really that surprising! Apologies, I didn't edit. I am tired. I shall edit tomorrow.



“Wait, wait, wait,” I say slowly, excitement rising up in me. “Are you fucking serious?”

Thor looks a little confused, but seems to understand I don’t mean fuck in the literal sense. He hesitates, “I…I believe the appropriate answer is one of affirmation. Yes, I am fucking serious.”

I give into my urge to literally jump for joy and I pull Thor along with me as I bounce up and down on my toes. “You’re the best, Thor.”

“You are quite excited…”

“I know, I shouldn’t be. One small thing to look forward to is nice compared to the war that’s bound to come at any moment. But you know, beyond all that…” I sigh, rapidly losing any and all energy I had left in me. “I suppose I should be heading off to bed now.”

“Yes, I should do likewise…” Thor says and I look up at him. I lay my hand on his arm lightly.

“Have you been sleeping?”

Thor casts his gaze toward the ground, “I…”

“Don’t lie,” I warn. Thor hands his head further, hair obscuring his already unreadable expression. I suddenly realize I’ve been a terrible friend to Thor. He does everything he can to accept me and protect me. He truly listens to me and takes my advice. But I have done nothing to repay him or protect him. I’m certain he must be struggling with all the pressure that has been placed upon him and he never once complained about it. He is confronted with a war, a troublesome brother, and me, wedged in the middle of it and absolutely unhelpful.

“Thor, I love you,” I say suddenly and he lifts his head. “I love you very much, and I can never thank you properly for all you’ve done. Now, I will do my best for you, and for all of Asgard. I swear to you.”

A moment passes between the two of us again with nothing but silence until I bury my face into the solid, warm planes of his chest. He folds an arm around my shoulders, holding me closely for a moment.

"Come on then, off to bed with you, fair maiden!" Thor says grandly as he sweeps me off my feet.

I let out a squeal of joy, feeling properly like a child. In the back of my head somewhere I think, I will never be a child again, when all this is said and done. I've read enough books on war to know better than that.

"You are doing this merely for my own benefit, aren't you?" I ask and try not to let the feeling of happiness fade away.

Thor merely looks down at me and smiles. "Good night, Valkyrie."

I push my door open and stumble into my dark room, half expecting to see Loki sprawled out on the bed, but altogether not that surprised that he isn’t. I kick my boots off and wriggle out of my tunic and leggings and throw myself face first into my bed, sighing contentedly as my body relaxes into the mattress. I lay there still for a moment before I feel that suffocating feeling and I force myself onto my back. I find my way under my covers but still cannot find a way to get comfortable. I feel stifled, and if I take the covers off I feel exposed. There is no in between. I stare up into the ceiling; the glistening, gold plated beauty of it, and I start to cry. For no discernible reason. The tears merely come and I let them fall, letting out pathetic sniffling noises.

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