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*long chapter*

Mirae POV

"You called me?"
I asked as I entered Jeno's office; looking around ,inspecting every single detail of the room contemplating what kind of colours and designs he likes where he works or lives.

His eyes darted towards me, looking dark as ever but this time it was something else. Something that could easily cause me a heart attack. His lips parted and after a really long time I had the chance to hear his beautiful deep voice again.

"Everybody gets to spend time with you. Why can't I?"

"So.....you wanted to talk to me?"

I asked, my voice shaking. I had no idea why was I so nervous tonight. Was it because of the fact that the lights were quite dim inside the room and it was painted in dark chocolate colour with dark brown silk sheets making it look scarier or the fact that he was standing there leaning backwards on the big cupboard with his hands crossed over his chest; giving a full view of his chest muscles since the first three buttons of his white formal shirt was opened and sleeves perfectly rolled up till his elbows.Not to mention his eyes searching for mine hungrily since I had been avoiding his.

"Who wants to talk? I just want to have you in my arms."

That's it. There goes my heart boom boom. 'Was he drunk?' I thought to myself.

"Come here."

How could someone look so hot yet so cute at the same time? He had opened his arms in a manner as if a child calling me to cuddle him. The idea wasn't that bad actually.

I moved towards him slowly like a turtle as if teasing him and I could clearly see him getting irritated. His face made me internally smirked. Just as i was about to slow my pace even more, his strong arms grabbed me by my waist and pulled me extremely close to him. Both of our chests touching and breaths mingling, his lips only a few centimetres away from me; I wanted nothing more but just to capture them right then and there.

"Took you long enough to reach here Mirae."

I loved it when he called me by my nickname. Be it MiMi or Kkoma. But the way each and every fibre in my body jerked up when he said my name was enough to satisfy his ego that he had an effect on me.

I could see the light smirk creeping on his face slowly.

"Red is the perfect colour on your skin."
I looked down at myself and blushed when I realised that I was wearing his red shirt which was obviously making me look like a small child since he was a giant. I wasn't really short in height. My forehead reached exactly until his eyebrows. It's just that he was well built. Way too well built.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I looked at him and I couldn't decipher his emotions. Before thinking twice, my mouth betrayed me

"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like you want to eat me up."

Both of my hands went flying towards my mouth to cup and seal them after realising that they had betrayed me once again. However Jeno seemed to take an interest in my little embarrassing moment here.

He smirked and pulled me even closer to him.

"What can I say? I'm a starved predator and you're my only prey."

I decided to play along and tease this boy because he was getting on my nerves now. He was teasing me and I couldn't kiss the daylights out of him. That thought made me angry.

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