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"Minaaaaaaaaa you won't believe what happened with me yesterday." Mirae called her best friend the next day to spill the tea about the "incident" last night.

"Whatttttt happened to you yesterdaaayyyyyy?"

Mirae inhaled a deep breath. Closed her eyes. You can do this.

"I met Jeno."


"You heard me. I won't repeat it again."

"But HOW? Jeno as in the lover boy Jeno ? The basketball hottie Jeno ?"

"Yes. Yes. Him. I'll tell you the rest of the story later, right now all I want is pancakes."

It was raining heavily outside.
The hungry girl tried to convince the other one using her puppy eyes-which surprising worked all the time with Jeno- WAIT. Why am I thinking about him?

*sigh* "okay. Wait." Mina replied.

Mirae on the other hand, was dancing happily sitting on her bed, about to check her phone when a painful growl gained her attention. Her head jerked up towards the window.

Mirae gasped the moment she opened her window. There stood Jeno, drenched from the rain, but that wasn't the only thing he was drenched in. His face was decorated with bruises and cuts, and a dark red patch was formed at his stomach. He could barely muster a smile when he slumped forward, Mirae's arms immediately caught him but her thin frame was struggling to hold him.

"Jeno? Jeno!" You called out, you were begging for any kind of response, just to make sure he was okay.

You could feel tears starting to brim around your eyes. What the hell had happened? You clearly remembered seeing him all fine and bruises-free when he dropped you at your house yesterday night. He wasn't responding to you and your panic rose. You quickly shut the window and dragged him to the couch. You laid him down and noticed that his chest was slowly rising and falling down. A sigh of relief escaped your lips, at least he was breathing.

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