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You didn't care if your couch was going to be stained, you just needed him alive and breathing. Your eyes trailed down to the red patch on his shirt. "Jesus Christ," you whispered to yourself. You immediately went to your bathroom to grab the first aid kit.

Of course, he got into fights in high school as well.

But you had never seen him beaten up so badly before. Usually whenever he got more serious bruises, such as gunshots and stab wounds, he would have gone to Chenle for help. But this time his mind was only clouded with thoughts of you and suddenly he climbed up the tree and knocked at your window in that state. You walked back to your room with the first aid kit in hand and a bowl of water in the other.

You crouched beside Jeno's unconscious form and stared at him. You hesitated to lift up his shirt, you fully knew what was underneath it. The slit on the shirt gave it away to be a stab wound.

Your hand hovered above his shirt to lift it up but suddenly he caught your wrist. You jerked back at the sudden contact and turned towards him. Jeno, who's eyes were still closed but he was mumbling for you to not touch it. You furrowed your eyebrows and ignored his protests. You easily shook his hand off yours due to the fact that he was still weak and lifted his shirt.
You let out a gasp at the wound, blood was gushing out and the blood surrounding it had started to dry. But that doesn't mean it still didn't look painful. The wound was deep and blood was still pouring out. You quickly open up the kit to grab the bandages out. You placed them beside you before taking the cloth and dipping into the bowl of lukewarm water.
You dabbed the cloth around the wound to clean it, Jeno hissing in pain with every touch. Since you didn't know how to stitch up a wound, you decided to wrap it up instead, but to do so, you needed him to sit up so you could wrap it around him.

"Jeno," you started softly, "I need you to sit up for me, okay? I'm going to apply some pressure onto the wound so blood won't come out, okay? It's gonna hurt for a while but I swear it'll be over quick."
He groaned in reply. You placed the cloth over his wound and applied some pressure, your other arm helping him to sit up. Jeno hissed and groaned in pain with every movement, your heart clenched at the sound. It pained you to see the boy who loved you in pain. After successfully helping the leader to sit up, you grabbed one of his hands and placed it over yours to replace your hand over the cloth.

"I need you to hold this for me, okay? I'm going to take your shirt off," you instructed. You stood up and placed one of your knees on the couch. You slightly pulled his body towards you and gently peeled his shirt off. You threw it somewhere at the couch and crouched back in front of him.

Jeno was slowly regaining consciousness but his eyes were tightly shut at the throbbing pain on his abdomen. You removed the cloth and took another one to clean the wound again. Then, you applied a layer of antibiotic ointment over the wound. You took the bandage and wrapped around the wound and abdomen. After finishing bandaging his wound, you walked away to clean yourself— mostly to wash the blood off your hands —and to grab some spare clothes of your dad at your apartment.

You returned to the living room with one of Jeno's shirts in hand. He was already awake and he was just blinking at the wall. You went ahead to get a glass of water and set the glass onto the coffee table as she handed the shirt to him. You took a seat next to him and watched him slip it on. Minutes passed and he chose to stay silent, but the questions were burning in your throat.

"Jeno," you laid a hand on his arm. He didn't move away and you took it as a sign to continue.

"What happened?"

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