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"Hyung is whipped. Pfft-" The youngest snickered, receiving a death glare from his boss while watching the girl eat her food.

"Can you guys stop staring at the poor girl? She seems clearly irritated. Let her eat idiots." Jaemin said, gaining everybody's attention in the room.

'Finally somebody can understand my feelings' Mirae thought to herself, giving a small smile towards Jaemin.

However, none of this got unnoticed by him.
"Do you want to go for a walk outside?" Jeno asked the girl, who were feeling alone and scared at the same time. Who could blame her? Being kidnapped, eating food at a Mafia man's house in a single day could surely make anybody a bit crazy.

"Do you think we're friends? How can you easily ask me such a question ? What if you are going to kill me?" Mirae asked him frantically, her heart racing fast.

She was waiting for him to answer, clutching the bed sheets tightly while he was busy looking at her in amusement. The girl who used to be a nerd in high school was raising her voice against Lee Jeno.
'When did she become this pretty?' The boy thought to himself.

"When you were busy killing the innocents." Replied Mirae, voice filled with disgust and hatred.

Jeno chucked.
"Did I say that out loud?"

Before the girl could reply, he took a hold of her hands and pushed her towards the door.

"Are you going to kill me?"

"Jeez-calm down! I would have killed you long ago! You really don't remember me?"

Confusion was written on her face. She tried to comprehend whatever he said. A few moments later, realisation dawned upon her and her eyes widened, hands went up to touch his face, examine him, to make sure he was the same Jeno.

The same Jeno who used to be cheerful and bubbly all the time. The same Jeno who chased Mirae wherever she went. The same Jeno who was so overprotective of the oblivious girl that even the head master shipped both of them.

"Are you by any chance Lee Jeno from Changmin H-high school?"
Her voice was shaking.

No.it couldn't be him. He was so different .

"What do you think kkoma?"

Mirae looked at the handsome boy in front of her wide eyed. The name "kkoma" brought back many old memories. Jeno, Mirae's high school admirer used to call her kkoma, literally meaning "little kid". It was just to tease her. Tease her to get her attention. Get her attention to make her his. Make her his because he was obsessed and madly in love with her.

But it never happened.

His life was way too dangerous for her simple one. He could get her killed. She would be the very first target of his rivals if they know that she's his only weakness.
A Mafia boss was supposed to have NO weaknesses. But she was an exception.

But now, when she was in front of him after all these years, he couldn't deny his feelings anymore. He was trying hard to control his attraction and pull towards her. Now that she recognised him, there was no going back. She was a part of his life now. She was a part of this danger now. And it was his duty to keep her safe.

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