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"Yes Mina I will inform you when I reach home. Now let me walk."

I cut the call with my 8- years best friend Park Mina who was extremely distressed about my safety since I was walking alone at 9:30 PM in the not-so-busy but quiet streets of Seoul.
This place gets quiet once the clock strikes 8. It is said that the mobsters or the "Mafia men" roam around in the city during this time to catch and kill their rivals.

"Urrggggggh. Why did I have to stay at the café for so long?" I thought to myself.

I work at a café which is quite far away from my apartment. I live alone but Mina comes to visit me often. She is currently pursuing her currier in fashion designing- her dream job. Whereas me, not knowing what to do in life, not living with my parents and being satisfied with the small café job that I have.

I regretted staying up in the café for so late as soon as I saw the scene in front of me.

A man whose face was covered with mask and glasses was straddling a helpless boy laying on the ground and begging for his life.

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