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Silence. Jeno's eyes were trained everywhere but yours. Your grip on his arm tightened. "Jeno, you can't just show up with bruises and not tell me what's going on," she said. "Look, I have a rough idea about what you guys are doi-"

"And what is that?" He looked at her sharply, like an eagle eyeing his prey.

"The Mafia."
She continued.

"The killing business. You were never like this before. I never knew you would take school fights so seriously and then turn into 'this'. "

She emphasised on the word 'this' while motioning with her hands towards his wounds.

Jeno leaned his forehead onto hers and held her hands tightly. His heart was saying that he should tell you everything, yet his brain was telling him to push you away and leave so you wouldn't be hurt by others. He never listened to his brain anyways.

He sucked in a breath and closed his eyes, he could feel you rub your thumbs against his cheeks. "I'm...I'm part of the mafia, but I swear we don't kill innocents" he finally said. It felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders but he was so afraid to open his eyes to meet yours.

You let your hands fall back to your side and this made him open his eyes.

Your expression was unreadable. He couldn't tell if you were mad or disappointed or feeling anything. But the thing was, you don't know what you were supposed to feel. It was a wave of emotions crashing onto you. Realization hit you like a hammer on a nail. You saw the mafia everywhere on the news, about how they terrorize the city. You read about how many people died in their hands, but also how many members died doing so. Your heart was aching at the thought that Jeno could die any day, and every time you saw him could be your last. Also because he was their leader.

Jeno took a step forward but her body jerked backwards. He felt his heart get crushed, of course you would run away, they always do.


"What were you thinking? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

Jeno winced at your words. He knew the dangers of joining the mafia. Ever since Taeyong recruited him at the age of 15, his life had been on the edge with the fear of not knowing whether he would wake up the next day or not. The thrill of it was what made him feel alive. He did it for the money at first, but now NCT and the black label is family to him. It made him feel more welcomed than his biological family ever did. And after he met you, he chose to live for you. He needed to live for you.

Before the leader could reply, Mina knocked at Mirae's bedroom door with a plate of pancakes in her hands.

Mirae started panicking. She was of course going to tell her bestie about Jeno but she didn't expect them to meet in such a situation.

Forgetting about his injuries, Mirae started pushing Jeno towards the bathroom, hoping that Mina wouldn't come to know but immediately got back to her senses the moment Jeno winced with pain while clutching onto his abdomen.

"Oh my g-god! I'm so sorry but you just yo-ou need t-to hide. OH MY GOD."

"Kkoma." He started, knowing that this could calm her racing heart but sadly and unknowingly to him, it did the opposite this time.

"Stop. I'm just gonna leave."
"You can't go out."
"Who said i was leaving from the front door?"
"Then ho- NO WAY! I won't let you jump from that window."

"Awwww.... Are you worried about me?"

This made her shut her mouth. Why did she care ? His men kidnapped her. He was a Mafia boss. He killed people.

"Mirae-yah! What are you doing inside? Open the door fast!" She heard Mina yelling from the other side.

"Good bye princess." Jeno said while giving a small smile to her, turning around to jump on the tree trunk and then towards the ground to leave.

"What about your wounds? If you make a noise, somebody might hear you and think that you're a thief."

"My wounds will be fine. And about being a thief........."

He came undeniably close to Mirae, pulling her even closer using his right arm around her waist and left hand resting on her cheeks.

He bent down, leaned towards her left ear and whispered,

"I'm not a thief. I'm just good at acquiring things that aren't mine."

He gave her a smirk before turning away and leaving her there, shook and palpitated.


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