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The very first thing Mirae did the next morning was slowly entering Jeno's room; not bothering to knock. She smiled at his sleeping figure and sat on the edge of his bed, planning to poke him but decided not to since he's busy most of the time and needs rest.

She looked around his room and found an interesting novel. She decided to read it to pass her time until he wakes up.
Minutes and hours passed by and she was still engrossed in reading not until she found a small piece of paper that accidentally dropped from her hand.
She picked it up and what she saw made her heart melt.

It was an old picture of Mirae; probably when she was in her first grade. She used this picture in her ID card but it got lost after a few months. She could never find it after that.

But she realised today where that picture had gone and who stole it.

A deep chuckle made her turn her head towards the boy who was lazily running his hands through his hair and simultaneously rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning." She chirped happily.
He just nodded and looked at her hands, specifically at the picture.

"You remember this?" He pointed towards the photograph.

"Of course! I never knew our discipline incharge was a thief." She said, pretending to be shocked and hurt at the same time.

He just smiled and stood up signalling Mirae to follow him.

"Where are we going?" She asked.
"My office."
"I have many more things to show you."


In the office
"These are your files?" She asked him, clearly intrigued by the dark designs of the rooms and the dangerous aura the walls were emitting.

"Hmmm....come here." She went where he was standing and looked at the book in his hands.

"What is this book?" She took it from him and sat on the chair, inspecting the cover.

"Pfft-you have made hearts on the cover?" She said, holding her laugh.

"I was really young at that time!" He replied, clearly offended.

"Hehehe. Does that mean you're heartless now?" She inched a bit closer, and batted her eyelashes; playing with him but somewhat afraid that he might take her joke seriously.

"I mean to say-" he cut her off.

"you're right. I am heartless now. You know where my heart is?"

"Where is it?" She whispered, getting nervous by the decreasing distance between both of them.

"Here." He motioned towards the book in her hands.

"Wait. Is this an album?" She whispered and sounded really shocked.

"Yup. My heart is here." He said; not breaking the eye contact.

A soft gasp could be heard coming from Mirae's lips when she saw the first page.

It was an album filled with Mirae's pictures; straight from her childhood to high school until now.

"My heart is with you love."


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