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"THEY WHAT?" Jeno roared, scaring the shit out of everyone even Jisung, who was downstairs .

"We went to the café and Alex was there. That's it." Mirae whispered hoping that Jeno would understand.

"I told you to never go there again. Was that the only damn café in this city?" He was angry indeed.

"Jeno I think it's time for her to know everything." Renjun said.

Jeno simply looked at him; eyebrows furrowed as if deep in thought but nodded nonetheless.

"You start."

"No you." Renjun replied to his boss.


The shorter boy sighed and motioned Mirae to sit on the couch.

"Alex is Johnny's brother as you know."
"Who's  Johnny?"
"You'll meet him later."
"So they don't get along very well-
"What's with brothers in your gang and not having a good relationship like I don't get it."
"Shut up and focus on the topic."
"Jesus- alright."
"So Alex and Johnny were supposed to be in Vagante-
"What is that?"
"Jeno do you mind if I kill her a little bit cause she's interrupting too much."

The other boy shrugged his shoulders and smirked at Mirae's offended face.

"So Johnny didn't want to join Vagante but NCT which is our main team."
"Why NCT?"
"Because Jaehyun persuaded him to-
"Who's Jaehyun?"
"You'll meet him later."
"So Johnny and Jaehyun were childhood friends and they lived in Chicago for a few years along with Alex."
"So Johnny is from Chicago?"
"Yes he is and Jaehyun lived in California for 4 years but moved to Chicago."
"That's dope."

Renjun glared at the girl in front of him.

"So this caused a fight between the two brothers because Alex wanted to join Vagante or I'd say "The Strays."


"Yup. Stray kids."

What is up peoples
It's raining since morning
I'm not complaining
And sorry for the delay 😔✌🏻

Also also also also also also also

If you had to choose between Wonwoo and Mingyu
Who would it be ?
I'm sorry but I'm kunfused between these two.

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