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"It's a pleasure to meet you sir. I've heard a lot about you from Haechan hyung. I'm Osaki Shotaro."

"Call me HYUNG too. I trust yuta HYUNG on this one. Can you shoot?" Jeno asked the younger one.

"Yes hyung. I trained with Barrett M82 while living in New Jersey."


He moved on to meet the other recruit who was quite taller than most of them.

"Hello hyung. I'm Jung Sungchan and I'm a trained hacker.

"Perfect. We needed more of them."

" I mean I get it he's not more trained and accurate at this job than me but you know-haha-it's okay. I can always help him-haha."

"Hyuck shut up." Spatted Renjun.

Which got him a death glare from Haechan.

"Wait...donghyuck has never met Mirae right?"

"No." Jeno said, observing the guns at their workplace which was far away from Seoul.

"She is upstairs though." Renjun informed.

"Call her here then. Let me finally see who is the talk of the town. I have the whole right to-As to i and Mark were the talk of the town before but this girl-aishhhh!!!"


"This girl has a name." Said Jeno

"You know your slaps are really hard and this-MIRAE! Mirae.yes.Mirae. I'll meet her personally. I WILL go upstairs." Jeno was about to slap him again on the head because of his almost mistake.


"I swear I see his dimples and I die. Like he's so handsome! He is so tall and he can sing. Not to forget he can shoot MIND blowingly. He's like my ultimate crush."

Mirae had been listening to Joohyun's bickering about her crush for a while now. She just hoped that Jeno would come and make her occupied into something else.

"Hey! Are you listening?" She waved her hand in front of Mirae.
"Yes I am. He sounds.....really perfect."

"He is. But HEY back off." She smiled at the younger girl teasingly.

Joohyun was 3 years older than Mirae. She along with another female gang member in their company, controlled the female mafia club.

"Do you not feel scared sometimes?"
"Scared of what?"
"This. Your job."
"I'm not committing a crime. I'm not killing anybody innocent. I'm just kinda...scaring them." Joohyun added with a little laugh at the end.

"You have a pretty name." Mirae said while playing with her ring."

"Thanks. You have a pretty name too! By the way, you need to get accustomed to the code names here."

"All of you have code names? Wow."

Joohyun just smiled at her.

"What's Jeno's code name?" Mirae asked shyly.

"You really wanna know?"
"Yes pleaseeeee."


Mirae cackled so loud that she was sure the entire building would have heard her only if she hadn't put her hand over her mouth. The older girl looked at her wide eyed, controlling her own laughter.

"Well that's a pretty accurate name but hey! He can be funny sometimes too."

"Honey he is definitely not funny when he's at work soooo...."


"sOleMaNtE sOleMaNtE SOLeMaNtE sOlEMaNtE nOw mAkE a wIsH."

"I JUST WISH THAT YOU GET OUT FROM HERE!" Mirae almost fell off her seat when she heard Joohyun shout that loudly.

"Who's that?"

"That's Donghyuck. Remember one thing since you're gonna meet him, he's a drama queen. You need to drop your innocence and be a little savage otherwise he's gonna roast the shit out of you. Okay?"

"Okay but why is he singing?"
"I just said he is a drama queen."
"So he needs to make his entry memorable. Duh."

Mirae snickered lightly. But suddenly remembered something.
"What's your name?"

"Huh? Bae joohyun."

Mirae shook her head. "I meant the code name."

"Oh thaaaatt.."
She smiled lightly.



Character Inclusion:

Woohooooooo Bae Irene in our area now

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Woohooooooo Bae Irene in our area now.

I'm soooo sorry about the delay :(

Thought about starting the chapters with uri newbiesss aka bias wreckers aka cuties  aka talented neos aka taro and chan :)

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