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"..And you know what happened then, he climbed up the tree and came inside my room from the window.."
Mirae ranted about the past incidents to her best friend, Mina while walking down the streets, looking for a nice café since both of them took a day off for their quality time together.

"Why don't we go to the café you work at ? Maybe we can get a discount."

"Ha.Ha.Ha. Very funny. Ms. Choi isn't that nice." She replied sarcastically.

"Welcome to the Blueberry Café. What would you guys like to have?"

Mina looked up from the menu card and her eyes fell on the British waiter smiling sweetly at both the girls, waiting for their order.

"I w-would like t-to have this.....this whatever this is." She stuttered and pointed at the ristretto on the menu while pleading the other girl with her eyes to intervene and help.

"Uh....Hi! I guess you are not from Korea.......?" She didn't know whether it was a statement or a question.

"Hello and I'm from England. Actually half British and half Korean."

"Wow. That's so cool. What's your name?" Mirae asked.


"Suh Alex."


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Ms. Choi is the owner of the café.

Anyways, shoutout to hyuckscult ❤️✊🏻

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