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The light in the room was getting stronger each second, the sun rising outside helping you to welcome another day. Mirae sighed and unconsciously her hands searched on the opposite side of the bed where he is supposed to be.

Jeno laughed softly when her hands hit his chest and Mirae scooted closer to him.

"Good morning beautiful." He nuzzled his head inside the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent as if she was gonna run away any second.

"Morning." Mirae mumbled, eyes still closed, trying to sink even further into his chest to avoid the light making Jeno laugh again.

"I never want to leave this bed." She said lightly.

He chuckled softly and started caressing her hair.

"I'm seriously not leaving this bed." She finally looked up at him meeting only the side of his neck and jaw.
"And you aren't either."

"I like the sound of it." Jeno's hands wandered down to her waist as he pulled her on top of him firmly.

"We can stay here forever." His lips met hers in a warm yet lazy kiss that soon descended down to her neck.

It was indeed going to be a very good and beautiful morning.


Suddenly Mirae got a call from Taehee who asked her to come downstairs in the kitchen and help her out with baking but after an hour.  

However, she made Jeno believe that she had to leave now.

"I don't wanna move," I whined into Jeno's chest. I felt him laugh beneath me.

"Then don't." His fingers were tangled in my hair and I felt him begin to curl a few pieces around them.

"It's not that simple."

"Why not? Why can't you just blow off responsibility and cuddle me for the next few hours? Hm?"

I laughed, pressing my forehead harder into his chest. "Not sure that's a good enough excuse for Taehee."

He sighed and loosened his grip on my body. His lip slipped out as he pouted and I wasn't entirely sure he wasn't actually that sad to see me go.

"Well I don't have to go right now, silly."

He gasped and the next thing I knew, I was lying with my back against the bed as he sat on top of me. "You liar!" He laughed as he grabbed my hands. He kept them apart and on either side of my head as he thread his fingers with mine.

"I'm no liar! I never said I had anywhere to be soon, I just said I had to leave at some point." I stuck my tongue out at him and he rolled his eyes.


We chuckled together and he let go of my hands. He slowly slipped down so that he wasn't sat on me but laying on top of me. He secured his arms around my waist and tucked his head into my neck.

I fought the urge to move underneath him while the feeling of him breathing tickled my neck. I hugged his torso, pulling him as close to me as I could.

"I love you," he whispered as he pressed light kisses to my neck.

I began to rub small circles on his shoulders. He let out a small moan, to which I giggled. He swore he was never as relaxed as when I would give him shoulder rubs. "Not as much as I love you."

"Now you're definitely a liar." Jeno reached his head up to plant a soft, slow kiss on my lips.


After a while, she went downstairs to help the older girl out, much to Jeno's dismay.

While she was mixing the batter, the doorbell rang.

"That must be Jaemin. I told him to buy some Chocolate gems to sprinkle on top. I'll get it."

Mirae looked towards Taehee who had flour and chocolate syrup all over her hands and arms. She decided to answer the door since it would trouble Taehee.

"I'll go."

She opened the door but found nobody. She went outside a bit more but found nobody. No sight of Jaemin, no sight of any bodyguard!
She heard shuffling around her, probably in the garden she thought and decided to run back inside.

'It could be a burglar or maybe Nana's trying to prank me.'

Just as she was about to turn around an run, she felt darkness surround her eyes, mouth being covered with multiple layers of handkerchiefs and eyelids getting heavy. The last thought that consumed her mind was;

"Isn't history repeating itself?"


What is up guys.
I know I'm late
Mirae 👀

Why am I undeniably and unconditionally freakingly in love with this man 😔

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Why am I undeniably and unconditionally freakingly in love with this man 😔

Why am I undeniably and unconditionally freakingly in love with this man 😔

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