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"Do you err- want to go for a walk ?" Jeno asked Mirae, nervously running his fingers down the nape of his neck.

"Umm..okay." She replied, not meeting his eyes and looking down at the floor.

Just as she agreed, a hand immediately came in front of her, palm open wide as if asking her to place her hand in it.

She looked up towards its source and found the cute innocent boy from the grade next to her's in school. She smiled lightly at the thought that how he used to bother her every time she passed by the basketball court he was playing in.

Every time Mirae used to pass by the court, he would leave the game and run after her, asking her about how her day went etc. etc.
But one day, she got fed up and decided to play a prank on him. She went towards his sweating figure dribbling the ball and passing it towards his other fellow mates.

"Jeno." She said softly.
Hearing her voice, he immediately turned around and blinked his eyes numerous times, not sure whether it was the same girl he used to chase.
He felt as if the time had stopped and it was just the two of them and nobody else.
Mirae almost laughed at his shocked state but gained her composure. She was about to say something cheesy but stopped as she saw a boy chest-pass the ball towards Jeno at a flying speed. She widened her eyes and was about to warn him but it was too late as Jeno got hit on his forearm with a big purple bruise. Everybody gathered around him and tears started to develop in her eyes. She took a hold of his arm and cursed herself for causing so much trouble. She promised to never play a prank on anybody. Jeno, who was clutching his arm took Mirae's face in both of his hands in an instance when he heard soft sobs coming from her mouth.

"Hey it's okay!" He said softly, wiping her tears.
"No it's n-not. L-let me t-take you t-to the Inf-firmary." She dragged him and made him sit on the bed and called the nurse. She kept on asking whether he was fine or not.

"Mirae it's not like my arm is broken. Chill." He said assuring her and frowning at her crying state.
"Had I not intervened in your game and distracted you, none of this would've happened!" She raised her voice a little.

Jeno smiled softly at her concerned yet harsh words and he knew one thing for sure at that time.

He had to protect his precious little bean from all the troubles and keep her happy.

"WHY ARE YOU SMILING IN SUCH A STATE?" Mirae shouted once the nurse went away to get the bandage.

"If the distraction is you then I'm ready to give my life away."

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