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Jeno started to retreat his hand back into his pocket, thinking that she wouldn't want to hold it and that's when Mirae snapped back into reality and stopped his hand; midway in the air and intervened their fingers.
He then gave his famous eye smile that could make any girl swoon over him, even Mirae.

"We are not going to go outside this mansion. Just in the garden. Unless you want you." He said facing her.

"Oh no. It's alright. Also, people could recognise you."

He tried to hold his smile but failed to do so.
"What happened?" She asked curiously.
"I'll tell you. Let's go."

"Can I ask you something?" She asked (already lmao)

"Tell me honestly."
"Have you ever killed an innocent?"
"Are you sure?"
"Why was your friend trying to kill that boy the other day?"
"He was trying to rob the bank. You know the bank in Youngsan-gu street? That one."
"So you mean to say that YOU guys were punishing a criminal?" She said, disbelievingly.
"Sounds a bit....abnormal but yeah."
"Isn't that police's job?"

"Mirae." They stopped and he turned towards her fully, looking into her eyes before starting again.

"Do you have any idea how many gangs are still prevailing in not just this city but in the country or the world in general ?"

She remained silent and he continued.

"There are so many criminals that even the administration has to team up with groups like us to catch them."

"Groups like you?"

"It can be confusing. Leave it."

"No pleaseeeee tell me. Unless you don't trust me then that's a different story." She played the blackmailing card and Jeno was fully aware of it.

"Princess. Even if you reveal my entire database to my rivals, I would still never get angry at you."

She gasped lightly but blushed anyways.

"I wasn't planning to do it but anyways....it's a nice idea. Maybe a payback for you guys kidnapping me."

Jeno laughed lightly and both of them started to walk back, towards their respective rooms.

"Good night Princess. If you need anything, just knock on my door or Chenle's."

"Good night."

He turned around.
"I have many more questions to ask you tomorrow. Also, the one that you didn't answer today, you need to."

He smiled and nodded before walking away.

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