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Mirae went outside the room, making sure that Mark had to avoid any misunderstandings or fights.

"He left?" She asked Chenle, who was busy playing PUBG.

"Yup. A few minutes ago." He replied not moving his eyes from the screen.

"Mirae." She turned around to find Jaemin with a bowl of soup.

"Give this to him."

"What made you enter this world Jeno ?" She finally asked the question that was bugging her since days.

"Like I said. My parents didn't care, my brother didn't care. The one who cared was the head of this business. So I joined him."

"What about people?"

"What about them?"

"I mean don't other people recognise you?"

"Have you ever heard about SM ent?"

"The music producing company?"

"Yes." He kept the bowl on the table after finishing his meal, giving full attention to Mirae.

"I've heard about it. I mean who hasn't? They are like the biggest entertainment company in our country and abroad."

"Hmm. We work with them."

"You WHAT ? You work with entertainment company. You know many politicians and actors know that company's owner."

"So what?"


"Administration works on our commands here Mirae."

"But....how?" Confusion was evident on her face.

Jeno chuckled and admired Mirae's cute confused state.

"That's a story for another time."

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