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"Jaemin." Mirae whispered to the boy who was busy cooking in the kitchen for everybody.

"Hmm." He replied, keeping his entire focus on the eggplant.

"I need your help."

"Go on."


He jerked his head up on the silence and saw the look of uneasiness on her face.

"Is something troubling you?" He asked.

"I need to find a new job. Not just that, I need to find a new place to live."

"Why? What's wrong with living here ?" He made a sad puppy face, instantly making Mirae guilty.

"It's Jeno-"


"Don't shout! And let me complete. So basically Jeno-"

"Does he make you nervous?" Jaemin looked at the girl dead in her eyes and she gulped not knowing how and what to reply.

"I c-can't be a b-burden to you guys." She said softly, looking at the ground.

"Gurrl listen up. You are and you never will be a burden." He replied sassily, waving the knife in the air.

"But you should talk to him about this."

"What? New job?"

"Hmm." He proceeded back to cooking.

"Where is he?"
"His office."

Mirae knocked softly at the door and got a soft and tired "come in" in return.

"Did I disturb?" She whispered.

"No." He rubbed his forehead in confusion while looking at some files.

She poked his cheeks softly to get his attention.

He looked up towards her, with those doe and shining eyes making her speechless.

"Did you miss me that much?" He asked, a hint of devilish grin in his eyes.

She replied, stopping her real feelings from creeping up her throat and satisfying cruel curiosity.

He made an offended face at her answer and she laughed slightly.

"Jeno." She started cutely..

"You know you're my favourite, right?" She asked with a baby voice, knowing his weakness. Anticipating him giving up on her cute state; what she didn't expect was a typical-Jeno-heartstopping-answer.

"I better be."

Her eyes widened and she slapped his arm slightly, moving aside to sit on the chair.

"I need to find a new job."

His eyes hardened and he moved closer towards her.


"How long am I going to live here?"

"As long as I'm alive."


"No. You don't understand! Those people are nothing but dangerous for you. I'm afraid something bad will happen to you."

"Is that your fear? Biggest fear?" She whispered, inching closer to his face.

"No. I won't ever let that happen." He whispered back.

"Then what is your biggest fear?"


"Me?!" She tilted her head to the side as a sign of confusion.

He turned around and looked at their reflection in the mirror.

" I'm scared that one day you'll look at yourself in the mirror as I see you. You will realise how amazing you are and that you deserve someone better than me."

In a swift motion, he turned and took her face in his hands and whispered, his eyes flicking between her eyes and her lips.

"I'm terrified that you'll leave."

With that, he smashed his lips on hers.

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