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"Why is she unconscious?"
Was the very first line that came out of the leader's mouth after calming his heart.

"She witnessed everything." Replied Renjun, who was busy washing off his blood stained knife.


"Don't worry. I didn't kill her or harm her in any way." Renjun replied, calming down the brown haired boy who was ready to pounce on him any second, knowing that he had hurt his love.

"I just used chloroform. Don't worry JENO. She will wake up soon."

"Did you-"

"YES YES I CAUGHT HER BODY EVEN BEFORE THE FABRIC OF HER CLOTH COULD TOUCH THE GROUND SO SHE IS TOTALLY FINE. I'm hungry now." Said Renjun who was getting annoyed by his boss's constant questionings.

"Me too." Said jisung, holding his growling stomach.

"She would be hungry too. Tell Jaemin to get the food ready and tell the maids to set up the dining table. I'll take her upstairs and she'll eat her dinner there itself."

The still-awestruck boy carried the girl in his arms, afraid to drop her, towards his room. He gently put her on bed and covered her with blankets, staring at her for a good 20 minutes until Jaemin called him for dinner.

"Here, give her this to eat." Jaemin handed a bowl of noodles to Jeno along with some painkillers, just in case she would feel any pain when she wakes up.

On the other side, Mirae woke up with confusion set on her face. Many thoughts were running through her mind at that time.
Then she realised that a man kidnapped her. She got tricked by a criminal. Of course she would have gotten tricked! Why didn't she run away? Why did she have to stay there ? Why didn't she listen to that masked man. Just as she was thinking about her fate, the bedroom door opened and she came face-to-face with the man she had seen in the news everyday. The man who was the talk of the town every time. Of course for his "infamous" deeds.

Her mind and body froze at the sight of him. Looks of a Greek god but actions of a monster. Was he here to kill her ?

"I bought food for you. Eat."

Anger rose inside her chest at the sound of him ordering her. Although her heart was beating faster as every second passed by, yet she managed to form a sentence and take her voice out of her throat.

"First, you kidnap me and then you order me around! I want to go home. I can't stay here. My parents will be worried."

"Princess, who are you lying to?" She was damn sure that her knees grew weak at the sound of his deep voice.

"What do you mean?" Mirae asked.

"I know you don't live with your parents."

"Were you stalking me?" She asked calmly but her heart was racing at a rapid rate.

The Mafia boss looked down at his hands, smiling to himself but gained his composure and answered her.

"Maybe. Maybe not. The food is getting cold. Eat it now."

What she heard next shocked her. It was probably the first time anyone would hear a criminal say,


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