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"MARK HYUNG!" The youngest boy screamed and ran towards the oldest to hug him.

Jeno clenched his fists and turned around, going towards his room; none of this going unnoticed by Mirae.

She went after him and just as he was about to shut his door, she called his name.


"Hey. Are you okay?" She stated softly.


"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" He roared with anger.


This is what he felt the moment he saw Mirae gasp lightly and take a step back away from him, letting her reflexes take over.

His eyes softened and he gently pulled Mirae towards him and hugged her.

"I'm sorry. I'm very sorry." He mumbled while nuzzling his face in the crook of her neck.

She didn't pull away this time.


In the hall

"Hyung you shouldn't be here." Jaemin said to the older one.

"He's very angry right now." Taehee fiddled with her fingers, anticipating that Mirae must've handled the situation.

"He can't stop me from visiting you guys. You are my family. He is my family as well." Mark said.

Jaemin sighed and told Mark to sit on the couch and have a chit-chat with everybody while he brings something for him to eat. Taehee was helping him.

"Who's the new girl?"

"Mirae. Kang Mirae." Chenle replied, not removing his eyes from his phone screen.

"Wait. The Changmin high school Mirae?" Mark asked in disbelief.


"How can he let her come back into his life, knowing that his life is nothing but danger."

"When did he even let her leave his life Mark?" Renjun asked the older one, making him shut his mouth.

"But we all know that she's a distraction. We all know that she's his weakness."

"And we all know that she's his strength." Finally, Chenle looked up towards Mark.


In his room

"Are you okay?" Mirae asked him, patting his forearm in the process.

"I just don't like his presence around me."

"Whose presence?" She moved his head towards her to take a better look of his face.


Mirae had a look of confusion written all over her face.
"But Minhyung isn't here."

"Mark. He changed his name."

Mirae furrowed her eyebrows, trying to remember something.

She gasped and looked at Jeno straight in the eyes.

"But as far as I remember, Minhyung is your brother right?"

"But as far as I remember, Minhyung is your brother right?"

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