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"What is that?"
"Who is that?"
"That sounds weird."

"You ask too many questions Mirae. Just wait."
Renjun said.

"And don't mention about meeting Alex in front of Jeno." Emma warned her.

"But they've met already. I mean he has seen him and me talking before."

"But still don't. If he asks, just say you guys went to the mall, then a café and then I came to pick you up." Said Renjun

"Okay. But why?"

"That guy is dangerous." Renjun's eyes darkened as he warned Mirae.

"Oh. We're home." Everybody stepped out of the car and was confused as to why was the house so silent today. Usually they could hear Jaemin and Jisung bickering and Chenle laughing.

"Hi." Jaemin whispered as the three entered the house.

"Why are you whispering?" Asked Emma.

"You're doing it too idiot." Jaemin replied savagely.

"We're whispering because he's angry and you know he doesn't like noise when he's working on something really serious." Said Chenle.

Renjun scooted closer to Mirae and whispered;

"Now definitely don't mention about your little encounter with him today. I don't want my head chopped off. He's already angry. I'll try to talk to him when he has cooled down."

"Okay." Mirae replied.

"Can I go meet him though?"

Chenle scoffed. "You sure?"

"Umm..yea." Mirae replied nervously. As if they were trying to stop her from entering a den.

"I'm sure he'll cool down a bit once he sees you.Good luck. And do ask him why he's angry." Emma pushed Mirae towards the stairs.

Mirae knocked at his door and heard nothing but a sigh.

She opened the door extremely slowly and peeped inside. She saw Jeno sitting with some papers in his hands; with furrowed eyebrows ready to punch someone which made her scared as well.

"Hi." She whispered as low as she could.

He just sighed heavily almost making her believe that he didn't hear her but it was the total opposite in reality.

"Okay." She nodded to herself.
"I'll leave."

"No!" He shouted and stood up to give her a hug. It caught her off guard but she hugged him back nonetheless.

"I needed this." He whispered in her ear.

"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Maybe. I don't know." His warm embrace left her as he moved towards his table.

"Taeyong wants us to work together."

"You and whom?" She looked confused which made him look at her and smile lightly. He pushed some strands of hair behind her ear.

"Haechan is fine. But he wants me to work with Mark. He wants us to work as the original 'Black Label' again."

"Oh. So what did you say?"

"As much as we don't get along, we have to work together as a team."

Mirae tried to hide her smile. At least the brothers would get along because of something. Wait. What was that something?

"But why do you guys need to join hands again? Is everything okay?" She gripped his hands as millions of thoughts were running through her mind.

"Our rivals are back in the city. They were busy in Japan but I guess..they need to be taught a lesson again."


He moved closer to her and cupped her cheeks with his hands.

"You don't have to worry about that MiMi. I'll keep you safe as long as I'm alive."

But his next words made her freeze in her spot and she almost had a panic attack.

"You're safe here, with me. But just promise me something."


"Don't go outside this house much okay? Especially that café? And that Alex guy. He's dangerous. Don't meet him. Don't talk to him. Ever."

"Okay?" He repeated again.

"Uhh..yea. Sure I won't. But.."

"Is this my cue to enter and explain?" Asked Renjun who was standing behind the door all this while.

"Yes p-please." She whispered with pleading eyes.

"Wait. What are you guys hiding from me?" Jeno's eyes darkened and he looked at Renjun with commanding eyes.

"So basically they went out and were just hanging out in the mall and then they went to a café and they ordered something to eat and the-"


"-n a waiter approached them and took their order and they had fun but suddenly this weird dude started to say bullsh-"


"y-yes?" He surely was scared for his life.

"Cut to the point!  What happened?"

"So basically....."

"They met him and Mirae almost knows about Vagantes"

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