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Soooo uuuuhh take this bad Sleepy Luffy i did. Im really proud of it tho.😌

Luffy pov

I opened my eyes to see... a red wall and rocks? "Huh?"

"Oi Luffy are you up yet?" (I forgot how to write awake) i look over to see Sabo sitting on his knees with Aces head in his lap and the rest of him in a random pose on the ground and he had blood running down his forehead.

"Yeah." I said "is Ace okay?"

"Yeah just hungry." Sabo answered as Ace turned in his sleep and started snoring.

"I wonder if we could eat that red stuff..." i said as drool came out of the corner of my mouth

"Eat?" Ace said as he said up

Lmao i have a really bad cold and can barely out of bed so take this very short chapter.


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