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"Huh?" Ace asked "wheres my crew?"

"Ace dont ya remember?" Luffy asked. "That smoke showed up and then we passed out and then we showed up here and theres this wall and thats it."

"Oh wow" Ace whispered as he looked around the 'room' they were in

It was small and he wouldn't be able to stand up properly if he tried. The walls were in fact red but the ground was made out of rock. It was dark if not for there being a flame-

Where is the flame coming from tho-

am i on fire?


"What the-" Ace yelled out as the flames went out

"Whaaatt-" Luffy yelled out "Acccee activate your power i cant see a thing!"

Ace listened and his hand lit on fire

"Hay Ace." Sabo turned to his brother "what if you burn a hole trough the wall?"

"Yeah!" Laffy smiled "that could work!"


He put his hand to the wall and the rooms wall quickly disappeared.

It was a wing that was retreating to the safety of its owner that also happens to be a.... a

"DRAGON?!" Luffy yelled grading his brothers and bolting in a random direction of the cave, running into a small tunnel .

"woah!" Luffy said as he sat down on the hard ground "That was close!"

"Yeah, quick thinking Lu!" Sabo smiled patting Luffys head getting a bright smile in return.

"Ace?" His smile quickly disappeared as he looked to his older brother "are you okay? You've been really quite since you woke up."

"Yeah his right!" Sabo said "but how about you tell us about that after we get out of here"

Sabo cared about his brothers a lot but the sounds of the dragon digging and making rawr noises at the small side cave entrance and it was starting to make him anxious.

Sabo soon walked up to the walls of the cave and knocked on them "these rocks are steady enough for a gum gum sling shot" Sabo smiled turning to his brother "do you think your up for it?"

Luffys eyes lit up as he smiled "YEAH!" He ran up to the place where Sabo hit the wall and grab on to the rocks stretching out his hands to reach and backed up digging his feet into the ground to let his brothers steady them selfs on his arms before getting lunched.

Sabo slightly laughed and did as Luffy expected and Ace followed

Soon they were slingshotted at the dragon and Luffy followed .

"Is it dead?" Ace asked slight bending over the dragons eye

"dont know, but we're going to eat it" Luffy smiled at his brother

"Yeah sounds like a plan!" Ace smiled nervously at the younger boy who gave him a conserned look before turning to his other brother.

A few minutes later they were sitting around a fire cooking a piece of meat while Luffy was already munching on one, while Sabo was taking his turn to talk about the adventures that had come back to him.

"And then she yelled at us while Lee was trying to clean up the mess" Sabo finished the story looking at Luffy who had finished eating just a few seconds ago 

"Wow she sure is scary!" he smiled while Sabo turned his head to look at his older brother who looked wayyy unconfutable

"Something wrong Ace?"

Ace nervously looked up at the two who were now staring at him "Dont take this personally but... umm" he laughed scratching his chin a bit. 

"Who are you guys?" 



yeah sorry i haven't been feeling the best lately and as i said my ides have jumped out the window, so please be patient with me.



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