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March 22

"WHATT?!" Sabo blocked hes ears, Luffy fell off the rock in surprise and Ace just sat therewith hes legs crossed.

"We aren't actually related." Sabo explained taking hes hands off of hes ears and telling there childhood story.

"My, i guess that explains it! YOHOHOHO!" Brook called out

"Alright guys! LETS HAVE A FEAST!" Luffy yelled jumping back up on the rock.

"Luffy, Ace can i talk to you." It was half way trough the party wen Sabo spoke up."In privet..."

they had walked over to a more quite part of the forest when Sabo spoke again.

"You two wouldn't mind traveling together, right?"-Sabo

"Sure, but why?"-Ace

"Well you see, White beards 74 birthday is coming up so i just thought that it would be nice to... you know..."Sabo finished hes sentence a bit unsure since Ace was giving him the -_- look.

"Sabo..." Sabo looked up at Ace and a smiling Luffy "How did yo remember hes birthday? ITS BEEN 7 YEARS!" Ace yelled at Sabo who thought that the man actually had something important to say."AND HOW DO YOU EVEN KNOW THAT?"

"I was hawing small talk with Marco!"- Sabo

"...." Ace just looked confused and so did Luffy "You mean pineapple guy?" Luffy asked.

Sabo just sighed "Yes Luffy pineapple guy..."

"Oh." Ace just had something 'click in him." Yeah sure!"Luffy nodded in agreement.

"Alright!" Sabo smiled pulling out a piece of paper from hes bag."I know the last place they were seen! And I got a bunch of information from the crew 7 years ago! So unless they changed there destination, we should be fine!"

"Alright mister navigator.."-Ace

"Sabo... are you sure you want to be a captain?" Luffy asked clearly meaning Sabos navigation skills.

"YOU...." Sabo put the piece of paper back in hes bag and got up on hes feet."MORONS!"

"Oh uh" The black haired boys just sat there for a few seconds and then ran with the blond following.

"Hay captain!" Zoro called when the Luffy and Ace got to the party spot"Come drink with us!" Half of the Straw hat pirates (Nami, Usopp, Zoro and Chopper) were sitting on a blanket in the small clearing surrounded by the other crews.

Usopp was laying on hes face with hes butt in the air, Nami was drinking like a monster and calling 'MORE' every time she finished a cup freaking out the other crews, Zoro was surrounded by empty bottles of alcohol with a half empty bottle in hes hand while Chopper was sitting next to Zoro with a glass of juice.

"NOTHANKSGATAGO!"(No thanks, gata go!) Luffy yelled out as he ran past them with Ace next to him.

"Whats up with him?"Zoro soon got hes answer as a bluer of blond and blue ran after the two.

"Well i guess tats our answer..."the orange haired girl came up behind Zoro."but, who was that?"

"looked like our captain." A brown hair girl came up to both of them.

She had grayish blue eyes and long brown hair, she was pale and shorter then Nami.

"I heard from the captain that hes brothers are rather annoying..."She explained.

"you can say that again..." Nami sighed.

The next morning. 

"Okay, GATHER AROUND!" Sabos voice was heard trough out the whole clearing as he walked dragging a sleeping Luffy with one hand the other holding the piece of paper, Ace was following half asleep, falling face first when Sabo stopped in the middle of the field.

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