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No pov

The ship was now closer to Dawn island then it ever was. The kids were given the last 2 days to pack there things and tell the crew goodbye.

"Alright..." Ace sight as he sat up in bed looking at hes blond brother."How can i help?"

Sabo just smiled and jumped up in excitement ."You start putting the books in piles!" Sabo had been trying to get Ace to help with packing for the past 15 minutes."Ill put them in the bag later!"

Ace just glared at Sabo and sighed, walking over to the bookshelf and stacking up books. Luffy was trying to get everything from under the bed  while Sabo was standing on the table, picking off parts of hes map.

A few hours (sunset-7pm?) later the kids were done, Sabo had left the room to ask Izo to make them some clocks.

"Ace?" Luffy asked hes older brother while he was laying on hes back on the bed.

Ace was in a similar position on the other side of the bed. "Whats up?"

"Do you think it possible to eat and sleep at the same time?" Luffy asked with a bit of drool coming from the corner of hes mouth.

"This is why i don't like you." Ace narrowed hes eyes at Luffy now feeling hungry him self.

"Alright guys" Sabo came in the room with a smile on hes face "I know that your hungry and tired, but Izo needs to know our measurements to make capes for us"(i dont know how to write capes with hoods in one word, im sorry...)"But the good news is that, you will be getting diner after that!"

"YAAAAYYYY" Luffy yelled as he jumped off the bed followed by Ace.

The next day.

Izo had finished the 'capes', Sabo was telling Marco to not let anyone see the ship while Ace was telling Luffy not to let anyone see them 'cuz then gramps will get us!' that scared him (Luffy) half to death.

The Ship docked(?) on the side of the island where no one was and said goodbye to the kids.

They had made it back to there 'hide out' and were now unpacking everything they had packed.

The ASL brothers would hunt and go to Gray terminal ( with there'capes' on so that no one knows who they are.) every day to get supply's to build a new hide out.  

A few more years (7 years) went by and Ace and Sabo had already sailed out and eventually so did Luffy (everything went like in the anime/manga except that Luffy was a bit stronger, Ace doesn't die and Ace and Sabo have there own crews (The spade pirates- Aces crew) (The demon saint pirates-Sabos crew) 

Each of there flags have there hats on a skeleton head and a little ASL in the corner.

The straw hat pirate pov

"SHIP!" Usopp yelled as he ran around on the Sunny's deck. "A PIRATE SHIP!"

"Just give me that!" Nami snatched the telescope from Usopps hand as she past him "Luffy can take care of it..." Namis face twisted in shock and fear as she identified the flag.

"TURN THE SHIP AROU-!" Nami yelled as a figure jumped on the ship cutting her off.

"Well hello there!"The figure said as most of the crew broke into panic(Luffy was inside stuffing hes face.

"Wait your not the captain of that shi-" She was cut off again.

"Yeah because im the captain of that ship!" He pointed to the left (at a ship) and smiled wider.

"So we will have to beat you up!" This time he wasn't the only one who spoke. There was another man crouching on the railing of the Sunny.

The blond and black heard men looked at each other.


Both of them screamed and there eyes  out of there heads.

"WHATS GOING ON HERE!" Luffy yelled as he came on deck.


All three men had the same face expression and were all screaming.

"Luffy, whats going on?" Nami asked but Luffy just ignored her question.

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" he yelled as the other two started to calm down.

"Good question..." The black haired man said. He had a muscular body with a round scar on hes chest and back and a sharp(?) face with childish freckles dotted across hes cheeks, hes eyes were a silver color. He had black knee shorts(?),a orange hat with two blue faces on red beads that went around the base of hes hat, the same beads went around hes neck. He was known as 'Fire Fist Ace'

"So are you a captain now?" The blond man asked with a nerves look on hes face clearly not wanting to tell Luffy that he was about to attack hes crew. He had a less muscular body and a softer face then Ace did with a scar going over one of hes eyes that were a light diamond blue. He was wearing something that looked like a noble outfit in different shades of blue, on top of hes head sat a top hat with blue goggles going around its base.

"OH! Yeah im a captain!" Luffy smiled at the two men "AND MY CREW IS BETTER THEN YOURS!"

Nami melted at the words and started beating up Luffy "IM FALTERED BUT I DON'T WANT TO GET KILLED BY THESE GUYS!"

"hay pal, are you okay?" Ace asked the now beaten up Luffy who couldn't be recognized. "Cuz i think my crew treats me with respect..."

"NO WAY! MY CREW IS STILL BETTER!"Luffy was magically healed...

"STOP FIGHTING YOU TWO!" Sabo yelled at the now fighting brothers. "jeez i cant do anything with you two..." he sighed.

"Any ways..." he turned to the now confused crew. "Im Sabo its nice to meet you!"He smiled "There a island not too far from here we can head there and ill explain everything!" The crew just agreed to this new species of 'dude who knows luffy, but is nice?' and off they went to the island with the other two ships.

They had made it to the island within a few hours and they all (the three crews) where gathering on the beach.

they all sat around there three captains who were siting on a big rock (order- Ace, Sabo, Luffy).

"Okay... we owe you all an explanation but first i think we should introduce our selfs..." Sabo was cut off by wining.

"But Saboooo..." Luffy wined "Thats boring!"

Sabo smiled closing hes eyes and dropping hes head. "alright, the captains will introduce our selfs."

"Thats not any better.."Ace pouted crossing hes hands and looking the other way "Im Portgas D Ace and, im 22 years old, i ate a d fruit and im the captain of the Spaid pirates."

"My name is Sabo, im also 22 years old, i prefer fighting with a sea prism stone pipe and im the captain of the Demon Saint pirates!" Sabo explained with a smile on hes face.

"Hay! Im Monkey D Luffy, im 19 years old, i ate the gum gum fruit and im the captain of the Straw hat pirates!" Luffy smiled wider then eny normal human should (the power of the gum gum fruit).

"So how do you know each other?"Nami spoke after raising  her hand.

"We're brothers."


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