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The temperature dropped.

"Sabo..."Ace quietly whispered to Sabo just loud enough for Marco to hear.

"We got kidnapped, and the guy that kidnapped us tried to sell us!"Luffy said trying to distract Marco from asking questions about Sabo's scar.

"Yeah but every one hated Luffy's loud mouth, so the jerk just made us work for him."-Ace


It had been a few weeks of them working for the man, Luffy capt messing up so he got beaten up. 

This time Ace had gotten into trouble there 'owner' got fed up with him and tried to burn him, but Luffy made a bigger mess trying to distract the man and was captured instead of Ace.

Luffy was laying on a table with both of hes brothers being held down to the floor by 2 men, there was another man with weird looking gloves.  he was holding what looked like steaming hot rock.he slowly got closer to Luffy's sleeping form, laughing

And then Ace escaped from the man holding him to the floor and kicked the man with the glows in the head and going back to help Sabo as he felt something burning on hes back, the MWG (man with glows) had trown the hot rock at Ace.

Ace turned around to see the man lift up another rock and it coming straight for him. Sabo had broken free and now was going to help Ace.

"Just go help Luf-"Ace had then fallen in Sabos arms.

Sabo had now laid hes brother on the floor to go save Luffy, he got into a fighting stance as he started to fight the remaining men.

A few minutes later Sabo had beaten most of the men except for the MWG, he grabbed luffy in one of hes hands and had places Ace on hes shoulder.There was a rock that went by A now running Sabos arm burning it a little making him drop Luffy.

Luffy had woken up and was now standing on his feet with big hot rocks coming at hem he tried to doge but faild geting hit by 2 rocks now having a big bleeding X mark on hes chest and a fountain of tears coming down hes cheeks.

Luffy helped Sabo with Ace and now both where running. Soon the kids made it to one of the living rooms the guy had and managed to break and jump out the window.

end of flashback

"you guys were slaves -Yoi"-Marco

"Is that what there called?"Luffy just turned hes head like an confused puppy and looked at the shocked man.

"Yeah, for a few weeks or so.."-Sabo

"So how did you get your scar, Sabo-Yoi"-Marco

"Lets say i took the wrong bout at the wrong time..." Hes brothers looked at him sadly.

"So what island do you come from?"Marcos question was clearly to distract the kids from there memories but they didn't care.

"Dawn island"-Sabo

"Oh, Dawn island?-yoi, tats where Goa kingdom is right?"The three boys had started to dig in to there food again while Marco spoke"I hear its  the most beautiful kingdom in the east blue. right?"

"Not really."-Sabo

"whys that?"-Marco

"Stop"Luffy lightly girted hes teeth as he whispered in a angry tone.

Marco ignored the kid ass he continued pushing seeing no harm in the questions."So?"

"There are a lot of nobles..."Sabo answered hes words getting harder to hear.

"Why do you think badly about them tho?"-Marco 

"THAT IS FAR ENOUGH!!"Ace had gotten to hes feet and slammed hes hands on the wooden table with a extremely angry expression on hes face. Luffy's innocent eyes were gone, they had no shine and instead  he looked like he was mentally murdering Marco.

"Luffy..."Sabo had put a hand on hes brothers shoulder as if to calm him down.

"Alright, that goes to topics not to touch.-yoi."Marco whispered to himself as he took out a pen and folded piece of paper.

"Why do you have that?!"Ace asked the man finishing up hes 7 plate of meat, and Luffy just swallowed the remainders of the food on hes plates, going to steal some from others.

"Just cuz?"-Marco 

The kids soon finished there food and went to there room to talk.

Sabo had taken a pen and some paper out of hes backpack.

"So from  what Marco said..."-Sabo

"wait who?"The three were now sitting in a circle on the floor, the both black hair boys had looked at the blond with confused expressions before they cut him off.

Sabo just sighed and continued"So from what 'the blond pineapple said"Luffy just made OOOOHH sound and Ace nodded in understanding."The ship will be leaving in two days. they need to gather supplies for our trip," He looked up to see if hes brothers where still following seeing that (surprisingly)they where, he looked back down at the pieces of paper n front of him."Since thy dont know there way around the island they want us to show them. I want you two to go help them while i go around the ship and draw the lay out of this thing."He looked back up to see Luffy slowly drifting off to sleep and Ace picking hes nose.

"DID YOU HEAR ANYTHING I SAID?!"Sabos out burst seem to get there attention.

"Yeah..." The black hairs said in unison..

time skip 2 days later.

The crew where getting ready to go to the next island.

 Sabo had drawn the map of the ship and it was pined to the wall above there desk with a knife. There pipes were next to the door just in case they had to make a run for it. The empty book shelf now had a few navigation books that Sabo 'borrowed' from Marcos study.

Luffy and Ace where laying down on the messy bed yelling out a 'im bored' every few minutes. Sabo was sitting at the desk finishing of them map of Rusukaina (the island they are at right now)and pining that to the wall as well. He had asked Marco to stop at a few islands on the way to dawn island so that he could draw them, he didn't actually tell him(Marco)that he was going to draw them.

"Sabo im bored!!!"-Luffy

"i just finished, lets go help the crew!"-Sabo

"YAAAYYY"Luffy happily jumped off the bed followed by a grumpy Ace who was woken up by Luffys yells.

And tats it! Im sorry about my bad grammar English is not my first language.And its also midnight, so goodnight!



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