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The crews (Whitebeard pirates, Spaid pirates, Demon saint pirates and Straw hat pirates) were now unloading boxes from there ship to 'party' as the captains disusing what had happened in the past few years.

"GAHAHAHAH!" Whitebeard laughed when he finished listening to the ASL story's "Those are some tall tales!"

"I guess so..."Sabo was used to everything that was going on. "We could introduce our crews, if you'd like!"

"Yeah!" Luffy yelled jumping off of Whitebeards shoulder to get hes crew.

"We have a few main people on my crew and the rest is scattered around, just in case." Sabo explained hes crew "There like there own crews but under my name."

"Oh?" Ace asked already stuffing hes face "We travel under the same flag, But we're still just as powerful as your whole crew!"

Ace and Sabo got in a fight as Luffy came over"They said they'll finish unpacking and then they'll come!" Luffy smiled.

The crews had introduced there self's and then it came to Luffys crew "Alright lets start with the first mate, shall we?" Ace grind.

Luffy smiled and said a small 'Okay' smacking a sleeping Zoro. Who just jumped up ready to fight holding two of hes swords. (Usopp laughing sounds)

"oh" he looked down at a grinning Luffy"its just you guys..." (Usopp choking noises)

after they finished talking the ASL captains were passed out. Luffy was snoring with hes hat next to hes head as he laid on hes back, Ace was sitting against a tree with hes hat next to hes legs as Sabo laid on hes said with hes hat on hes head weirdly folded between hes head and ground.

"That's weird" Nami said a bit confused. "Luffy usually can stay up all night and its not even 9pm..."

"Yeah same here...." one of the Spade pirates said as he walked up to the girl.

"Whatever lets just drink" Zoro said sitting down on the ground "there the ones missing out."

A few hours went by with the crews partying like crazy.

"Guys that fish that the captain Luffy ate..." Robin said to her crew and the others. "Its this one isnt it?"

"Yeah why?" Nami asked looking at her friend

"Do you think that they were eaten?" Namis grabbed the book from Robin to look at what she saw.

She stood up looking around "WHERE ARE THEY?!" She screamed getting the attention of everyone around her.

"Whats wrong Nami?" Usopp asked coming up behind her.


after calming down a bit Nami stood there commanding people around to find them as whitebeard laughed.


The kids had woken up in weird clothes on a weird island surrounded by weird people.

The first thing Ace Sabo did tried to keep Luffy from screaming and then they ran into the forest.

"Ace, did you have to take the hat?" Sabo asked the slightly older boy.

"Yeah!" Ace grinned "It looks cool!"

"We dont know it belongs to!" Sabo explained to Ace "What if they get mad!"

"They wont!" Ace stopped walking and turned to Sabo smiling with hes eyes closed pushing the slightly too big hat up.'

"I dont know Ace..." Luffy said with teary eyes "They looked like strong pirates..."(he knows cuz he still has the powers he had before and he hung out with Shanks)

Ace stopped smiling and turned hes head a bit too fast making the hat fall in hes face Sabo doing the same

"Your rig...." Sabo sighed as yelling cut him off.

It was a woman's voice but it was all jumbled together, "Lets not go there she seems mad..."Luffy whispered after the yelling stopped.

a few minutes of walking later The three turned there heads. "Whats that?"Ace asked as the 'thing' stopped for a few seconds and then started moving faster.

Sabo started panicking as Ace got in a fighting stance and Luffy started crying.

Sabo also got in a fighting stance as he looked over to hes brother... who was on fire. Sabo looked at him and then back to the 'thing'.

'wait' He thought 'Why is Ace on fire'

"...." Sabo looked back at the black haired boy


"WHAT" Ace asked looking at the bland who was on the ground pointing to Ace's hand and screaming Ace looked down.

"..." Luffy looked at Ace aswell


The kids looked back at the bushes now in silence, now there were multiple 'thing' as one of them poped up, it was a green haired man with a scar over one of hes silver eyes and 3 sword.


"WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING?!" He asked as a blond came next to him.

"Oi idiot dont scare the poor kids!" He yelled at the green haired man

The blond was a bit less muscular had blond hair that went over one of hes eyes reviling on swirly eyebrow above ocean blue eye and he was wearing a suit.

"Hay there!" He said going down to 7 year old Luffys height. "names Sanji, and im a cook, would you like to try some of my cooking?"

"What if its poised?" Ace asked giving one of hes death glares, hes silver eyes going dark and radiating hatred.

'Thats not the same Ace from before...' Sanji thought a bit surprised.

"Its not, i wouldn't ruin a perfectly fine meal!" Sanji said smiling at Ace with closed eyes as Marco showed up.

"Hay, brats..."

Luffy just started at the blonds until stars appeared in he's eyes and droll came out of the side of he's mouth.

Marco just looked confused. "what did you do to him?"

"I think it's you..." Zoro chuckled at the blond. "You totally look like a pineapple..."

Soon they got back to camp with all of them there.

"LUFFY!" Chopper yelled running up to them "ARE YOU HURT?!"

He looked closer. Luffys shirt was closed reviling only the top of hes scar, hes hat was too big for hes small head and hes eyes were bigger and filled with tears that turned to stars stars as he 'SOO COOL'ed at Chopper. He sighed in relive then he looked at the others."What about you guys?"

Ace had hes hat on hes head with the strings reaching to the brim of hes pants and hes tattoos were out in the open. Hes mouth wide open and 'AWESOME' written all over it.

Sabos top hat was the only hat that fit and nothing else was different except hes size. Hes mouth was also wide open but instead of Ace's 'AWESOME' it was worry "are we drugged?"

"LUFFFYYYYY" Nami yelled as the rest of the crew ran to the kids, she grabbed him off the ground and squishing him between her 'melons'."WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!"

"WHA?!" Ace yelled with a small blush on hes face.


ASL brothers (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now