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"LUFFY!" Sabo ran up to the younger boy hugging him "don't run of you don't know what lives on this island!"

"Yeah you've could have died!" Ace agreed as he put he's hands on he's hips

"But i met this really nice guy!" Luffy smiled putting both of hes hands in the air "He had weird pink hair and he was wearing the same clothes as gramps!" 

"A marine?" Sabo asked "We're wanted Luffy! So if we get capered while we're still kids that's it!"

"You should listen to your brother, Luffy..." A voice said 

"G-Gramps..." Ace whispered before he and hes brothers took off towards the clearing screaming.

  "Mhh?" Zoro asked as Luffy ran and hide behind hes leg "What are you doing Luffy?" He put hes hand on Luffys head as he pointed at the way they came from.

Ace and Sabo where hiding among the other crews trying to blend in with them as Garp came into the clearing.


"Oh, hes really mad..." Ace whispered to Sabo who was walking next to him in the crowed of pirates

"I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU IN YEARS AND YOU SUDDENLY SHOW UP ON A RANDOM ISLAND IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NEW WORLD?!"He then turned to Luffy who was hiding behind Zoros leg and went silent maybe a bit surprised. 

"Zowo..." Luffy whispered with tears in hes big eyes as Zoro sighed 

"Grow up captain..." he whispered as he picked him up and carried him to Sanji showing the kid in he's arms."hes your problem now!"

"Why me?!" Sanji yelled as Zoro ran toward Garp

"Why not?" Zoro asked looking back at Sanji who sighed

"never mind..." Sanji whispered walking off to the side and sitting down on a log with Luffy beside him "So.. how old are you now?" Sanji asked after a few minutes of watching Zoro

"Im 10 and a half!" Luffy was sitting on the log with hes legs crossed  and bending a bit forwered to be able to see Zoros fight against Garp with stars in hes eyes and a big smile on hes face.

He did look a bit older then before, he was a bit thinner and hes face shape wasn't as round and hes hat fit a bit better on hes small head.

Ace and Sabo sat down next to the two.

They were a bit taller and thinner now, Sabos hair was a bit longer  reaching half way down hes face, hes tooth had almost grown back and Ace's hair was a bit longer to (reaching 1/4 down the back of hes neck) he was tanner and had a bit more freckles.

"You guys are 13 now, right?" Sanji asked looking at the brothers "How is it going on the island?" 

"We just started building our base... " Sabo explained "I also found out how to get some salt so out food tastes better!" He smiled looking up at the older blond

"Is that so?" Sanji smiled watching the 'Marimo' fight "Why are you guys so scared of him?"

"Because he can hurt Luffy!" Ace looked at Sanji hwos smile desapeared "And Luffys rubber!"

"He used haki against kids?!" Sanji asked in surprise 

"You know what that is?" Luffy asked looking up at Sanji "Grandad told us to learn it!"

'Sani explaining haki'

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