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Ace's P.O.V

"Would you like to join our crew?"The blond mans question set me and Sabo back but Luffy being Luffy went and yelled" NO, ARE YOU CRAZY!!"
"Sorry sir, but non of want to be working under someone..."Sabo tried to explain it nicely as a just sit there laughing my tail off.
"we could ger you back home, tho." That on sentence shut me up.
"we'll show you around the ship and let you meet the others too.". The man with the *bread head* spoke up.

Sabo's P.O.V

My brothers look at me, like asking what to do next.
"You can wash up, we'll check you for wounds and we can give you food."
OH NO he said it. I look back to my brothers, they had stars in there eyes and drool running down there chins.
They looked at me again, "NO."
"But, we won't need to hunt eny more!" Ace said.
"No, think about there crew, and I'm sure they will give us chores eny ways." the two dark haired boys pouted at it, but it seems like they understand.
"but the food will taste better, right?"-Luffy
"C'MON, PLEASE!!!" - Ace
That's how a little war broke out between the three of us.
Until, the blond man grabbed Luffy by the back of he's vest.
Ace and I stopped fighting and I yelled "ESCAPE PLAN NO.3"The blond looked amused and smirked until, Ace slid trough the blonds legs grabbing them and setting his power loose, while Luffy grabbed a nearby branch and launched him self on it and back to the man making him fall to the ground, as i ran towards the other men and so did my brothers.(im sorry that this is hard to read)

Luffy grabbed both of the mans heads and bumped them together as I and Ace hit there legs with our pipes.

"Common, lets go! Ace said as he took mine and Luffy's hands running back to camp.

Luffy's P.O.V

We were running when i noticed the yellow pineapple running after us.

"ACE!" I yelled out as Ace looked at me clearly about to stop to punch me, and then fear was seen in hes now wide eyes. He started to run faster, then he turned to Sabo and said something, and then started running in the wrong direction.

We stopped at a cliff and they put their hand together and bend there knees. I jumped on there hands and they launched me up, when i made it up, my hand started to go back towards them to pull them up...

"They... they aren't there?" i breathed out as i heard a "LET GO!" from behind me.

I whip my head around to see Ace and Sabo held up by the man.

"Well then, I don't think you understand, im Marco the first mate of whitebeard."

Ace stopped struggling and his eyes got wide, as Sabo went white as a ghost and fainted.

"Who, sorry, haven't heard of 'em"

Hay, sorry this chapter is a bit shorter then i intended and it didn't reach what i wanted, i just got en idea and wrote it down and now i have to write more but im too lazy to do that.

-L (the writer)

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