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"Wait..." Nami whispered "Where are you guys? You two cant possibly be more then 11 years old, and your already fighting beasts?!" She asked the young boy.

"We're on an island called Rusukaina!" Sabo smiled "It has all these big animals and like 47 seasons a year!!"

"Are you serious?!" Nami yelled "I KNEW GARP WAS DUMB BUT THIS IS A WHOLE OTHER LEVEL"

"yes..." Robin said "I suppose that from what Luffy explained 'training' to be, we should have expected this."

"Hay guys..." Zoro started "Don't they look bigger?" He pointed to Ace and Sabo who were a bit more grown up now and Luffy who still looked pretty much the same except for hes height.

"Yeah your right!" Nami exclaimed "Ace, Sabo how old do you think you are now?"

"12" Sabo said calmly and pointed to Luffy "Hes 9 now"

"Oh i get it!" Usopp had walked up to the group and put hes fist on hes palm that was facing the sky. "This will keep going until they reach there actual age!"

"Yes" Robin nodded in agreement "Tho Luffy is rather cute it would be a shame for him to stay like this." 

Luffy suddenly turned he's head running up to he's older brothers "What is that?" Luffy whispered with tears in he's eyes.

"I don't know, Lu..." Ace told him.

"Let's go check it out!" Luffy smiled running out of the clearing

"LUFFY!" Sabo and Ace yelled running after the young boy

(GOOD NEWS! I got an IDEA so the story will be a bit longer! LET'S AD GARP!)

??? P.O.V

I was walking through a forest until I felt a lot of strong people in a clearing not too far from me, so I went a different way.

We were just exploring an island until I heard.



A small boy ran out of the bushes stopping when he saw me.

He looked a lot like Luffy but he looked like he had cried a bit ago.

"Hi..." I whispered walking up to him "Are you lost this is no place for a kid..." I asked bending down to he's level.

"No..." he had a little pout on he's face and was looking down to the ground. "I'm not..."

"WHERE ARE YOU!?" another yell came from the forest "LU, THIS ISN'T A JOKE!"

"Are you who they are looking for?" I asked as he nodded "Well I'm Coby, what's your name?"

"You have weird hair like that big guy!" He smiled pointing to my hair.

"oh really?" I asked a bit surprised

"And you wear the same clothes as gramp..." he cut himself of "Your not here with him are you?" he had tears in he's eyes stepping away from me

"Who?" I asked

"Bye bye pinky" he weved he's hand and left

"what?" I asked my self as I stood up and walked back to the ship.

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