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"ohhh so that's haki!" Sabo claped he's hands smiling up at the older blond.

"Yeah how about you try it?" Sanji smiled as Luffy extended he's fist

"I didn't understand a single thing but alright!"

"No Luffy you can't do it if you don't know what that is!" Sabo tried to explain it to Luffy who was trying REALLY hard.

"I can't do i-" right at that moment Zoro came flying in there direction as Luffy jumped

"that was close.."  Ace whispered slightly on edge as Zoro got up and went back to fighting.

"see Luffy that's haki!" Sanji smiled "all your body did was shrink so you can't control your haki yet, it's still there!"

"wow really!?" Luffy asked with stars in he's eyes.

"The armament thingy... Do you mean like this?" Ace asked with he's hand extended in front of him covered in haki

"Yeah good job!" Nami said passing by.

"I was wondering..." Sabo said turning to Sanji "could you tell us more about your crew they seem the most... Interesting."

"of cores!" Sanji said pointing from person to person and explaining them, the conversasion slowly going to the young boys telling there stories.

"So how old are you now?" Sanji asked 

"You ask that to much!" Ace pouted 

"Im 12 now!" Luffy smiled lifting up both of hes hands

"Luffy thats 10..." Sabo said "Here let me help" He smiled lifting up 2 more fingers besides luffys.

"you guys are cute." Sanji laughed "such nice brothers!"

"Arn't all brothers like this?" Ace asked as Sanjis giggles dived down.

"No," he whispered sadly "I didn't have nice brothers..."

"really?!" Luffy asked in surprise "but how come your so nice, Sanji?"

"Well...." Sanji looked like he thought for a while and then answered "My sister and mom were nice!" he smiled at the memory

"So that's why you act like a girl?" Ace asked getting a foot on he's head

"I DO NOT!" Sanji yelled

"Sorry Sanji.." Sabo apologize "he grow up in a dump where the only woman was easily mistaken for a man!"

"Oh..." Sanji frowned at the memory of the okama

"But you do act like a mom!"


okay so its me

I'm posting this chapter really short because it's right before class so yyaaayy.


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