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"LET GO OF HIM!" Ace yelled at the female holding hes brother 

"Oh my!" She looked at him a bit scared of hes death glare "Is that one Ace?"

"YOUR SO SMART NAMI-SWAAANNN!" Sanji yelled doing a weird dance

"We have to bring them back to camp and explain what's going on!" Nami told the grown ups


"no." she said simply "Luffy is just too innocent, and he's just so cute as a kid!"

"Stay away from her, Ace." Sabo said standing in front of Ace "she's a pedophile..."

"AM NOT" Nami yelled hitting the boy on the head "listen let's go back to camp, and we'll tell you everything there."

"ooooohhh" Sabo made an :o face

"what?" Ace was confused he didn't understand half of what Nami was saying, he fell asleep.

"so basically we're in the future but not" he said, getting Luffys attention he said something like 'THATS SO COOL' or 'AWESOME' "We still have the power that our future selfs have that's why we felt those guys coming"

"oh" Ace also made an :o face "but who are they?"

"they are our future crew's!" Sabo smiled but then it looked like something hit him. "But how are they split into 3 crews?"

"WELL I LIKE THOSE GUYS!" Luffy pointed the group of people in front of them(Nami, Zoro, Robin and Chopper) "AND THEM!" (Brook, Usopp and Franky)

"Luffy hasn't changed at all" Robin smiled looking at the three men "Say... Luffy how old are you?"

"im 8!"Luffy laughed and smiled

"Here you go!" Sanji smiled at the kids handing them tons of food. "Hope you enjoy it!"

"AND HIM TOO!" Luffy yelled before digging in hes food.

"What?" Sanji asked looking at the girls expecting them to explain.

"Luffys picking hes crew." Robin smiled looking at her book

"THIS FOOD IS GREAT!" Ace suddenly yelled lifting hes head to look at the people in front of him "I WANT YOU TO BE ON MY CREW!"

"I'm flattered but im a proud member of the straw hat crew!" Sanji smiled "Sorry kid!"

"What crew is that?" Sabo asked half way trough hes only plate of food.

"Its Luffys!" Nami said proudly showing a bright smile "And im the navigator!" 

They introduced them self's again. 

"Oh" Sabo said "So thats how our crews are split up, but why are the Whitebeard pirates here?" He asked a bit intimidated.

"When Garp left you on that island we picked you up a few years later." Marco explained

"How many...?" Ace asked with a frown on hes face and a bit of disgust.

"5 Maybe..." Marco said

"AAAWWW!!" Luffy whined" Those monsters are so biiig, and they keep stealing our foodd..."

"Yeah but we're getting stronger and they do it a lot less now!" Sabo smiled making hes brother smile back at him.


Yes its me, i know its been a while since i posted a chapter but im trying.


I hate it.

So yeah I already told you that the chapters are short, so give me ideas pleas and read my other stories...

my mind gets distracted every time i try to think of something and i end up making ideas for new stories.


I think i will end the story next chapter because I have so many other stories and ideas are running low...

this is me 5 chapters later, i cant seem to end this thing with kid Luffy.


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