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After everyone had calmed down Sabo tried to explain.

"it's just that you grow up with girls so I guess you act like one?"

Sanji looked at Sabo, questioning him a bit "I left my 'family' when I was 9"

Sabo just looked back at Sanji "that doesn't make sense"

"I guess he's just girly..." Ace whispered over to he's brothers "or trans..."

"What's that?" Luffy asked

Sanji gave them an enjoyed look duo to he's history on a certain Island made shivers run down the spine.

Zoro was yet again tossed off into a tree as Garp approached the kids.

The three looked at each other before starting to run all over the clearing screaming.

Luffy ran into a taller man with pink hair, he looked up at the man with teary eyes "oh its you..."

"Ah?" The man bend down to be face to face with Luffy "Luffy-san?"

"Koby?"Zoro asked getting off the ground and approaching "What are you doing here?"

"Oh Zoro.."Koby answered "I came here with Garp."

"that old geezer is a monster!" Zoro groaned.

"His always like that." Luffy said now sitting on the green haired mans shoulders.

"Man, how aren't you dead yet?" Zoro asked with the -_- look on his face.

Helooo my lovelyyy people!!!! 

Its me the writer... (obviously -_-)  so yeah im running out of ideas (that's why this chapter is so short) so i was hopping that since i have over a 100 reads on the first 7 chapters and 1.61 k reads in total, one of you could maybe tell me some stuff you want to change or add to the story???😅


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