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"NO!"Marco smacked the Man on the head.

"Awww, come ooooonnnn!!" Shanks whined like a two year old, pops just laughed at the 'brat'.

Luffy innocently looked at hes brothers with a confused expression on hes face and asked "whats he talking about?"

"I dont know..."Ace answered truthfully, looking just as confused as Luffy. 

"I...I think he tried to kidnap us..." Sabo tried to explain .

Shanks snapped hes head to the  kids as he yelled "ITS NOT KIDNAP IF YOU AGREE TO IT!!"

"Are you sure that your not a kid?"Ace looked down at the man who was now sitting on the floor.

"IF IM A KID THEN WHAT DOES THAT MAKE YOU?!" Shanks yelled at Ace making him mad.

"HAY!" He yelled at Shanks looking like a monster "IM MORE MATURE THEN YOU'LL EVER BE!"

Then Ace got into a argument with Shanks getting the attention of the Red haired pirates.

"Isn't that Luffy?" Asked a very fat man with meat in hes hands.(Lucky Roux)

"And whys our grown captain arguing with a kid?" Asked a man with long black hair with a rifle by hes side.(I couldn't decide between the mange or anime version of beckman, so i went with the anime.)

"Captain..." A blond hair styled in dreadlocks."Whats going on?"

"Oh hay guys!"Shanks suddenly pulled hes head back making Ace face plant on the floor."Do you remember Luffy?" then he pointed at Luffy and Ace bit into Shanks's out stretched arm making the man to scream and start shaking hes arm violently. Hes crew just laughed.

Shanks eventually shook the kid off and he hit hes head on the hard, wooden floor. Sabo immediately tried to help Ace up.

"Hay Luffy." Lucky ro walked up to Luffy, making the boy drool and stars apeard in hes eyes."Whats wrong?"

"meat..." Luffy quietly mumbled, but Ace seemed to hear it and snapped hes head sideways. He had the same expression on hes face. 

"Meat?" Sabo's face expression turned from worried to horrified.

"Ace, I know you havent ate lunch yet, but we can get you some food from the kitchen..." He (Sabo) tried to calm down Ace " YOU TOO LUFFY!!" and Luffy.

"whats going on?"-Shanks

"Luffy' and Ace's apitite has gotten out of hand over the past few years..." Sabo explained."Since they ate when they wanted and how much they wanted."Sabo finished off jumping on to Ace to keep him away from Lucky Roux's meat.

"Oh" Was all Shank could manege to say as he grabbed Luffy off the ground."You should fix that.."

"Yeah starve them for a few weeks."Lucky Roux joked.

"Actually..."Roux's smile dropped as he realized that Sabo was serious. "There stomachs are going to shrink, plus its not like they will die!"

"Oh no..."-Thatch

"DO YOU GUYS HAVE SEA PRISM STONE HANDCUFFS?" Sabo yelled to find out to the crew members that were still awake.

The whole three weeks they were in there Luffy would cry and complain but Ace would just complain. 

A month had passed by and the crew were finally getting close to Dawn island.

"So what do we do when we get home?"-Ace asked Sabo as there youngest brother was asleep on the bed.

"well..."Sabo thought it over as he looked at Luffy. "We'll hide from everyone."

Ace just noded in agreement.

Just then there was a knock on there door, and Ace got up to get it with Sabo following.

"Hay brats!" It was Thatch with hes bright smile."Marco wanted to tell you that we'll be there with in a few days."

"Nice!"Ace smiled and so did Sabo.

"Wait," Thatch interrupted "I heard what you said. Why do you want to hide from everyone?"

"Cuz if someone finds out that we're there they might tell gramps." Ace explained.

"Oh, okay." Thatch turned around to walk off and mumbled "Your a lot smarter then i thought.."

"WHAT WAS THAT BREAD HEAD?!" Ace shouted at the man who just started running away from the now literally 'burning with rage' kid.

Hay guys! Sorry that this chapter is so short! Im just tired. I promise ill TRY to make the next chapter longer!



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