There smiles. 5

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Marcos pov 

"its been an hour since any of us saw the brats, should we be concerned?"Thatch has been bothering me about them for the past 10 minutes until i snapped"If your so worried go check on them."I gave him one of my angry looks as he finally shut up.

He was finally leaving when the door suddenly busted open."MARCO! YOUR THE MOTHER HEN, RIGHT?"It was the boy named Ace if im not wrong, a tick mark appeared on my forehead as i was getting more annoyed. 

"Thatch you seem to be enjoying this." Thatch suddenly stopped hes loud laughter as i glreard at him.

"Vista said that we needed to ask the mother hen if we wanted to get off the ship, since we will be traveling with you guys."The Sabo kid appeared next to Ace as the smallest, Luffy, was next to show up. And for some reason they all had pipes in there hands.

"Why do you want to get off the ship, tho?"-Me (Marco)

"We're hungry." The youngest ran up to my desk and smiled at me as he put hes hands in front of himself on the desk.

"But ...YOU JUST ATE!!"Thatch yelled at the kid as it all went in one ear and out the other for this kid.

"Is that a yes?" He just looked back up to me and asked with an innocent look in hes eyes.

"Go..." I couldn't say no to this kid he was cute.

i watched the raven haired boy run to the others who just took off with bright smiles on there faces, like there was nothing wrong with the world.

"Hay kids.."i didnt notice that words were coming out of my mouth "this world isnt as pure as it seems" the kids just looked at each other and then back at me and smiled.

"We know!"-Ace

"We lived in a messed up country."- Sabo 

"We almost got killed"Luffy just laughed closing hes eyes cuz hes smile was too big for his face. And that set me off. Leaving just  plenty of time for them to escape the next question ' did kids like you almost die?'


ASL pov

The three  brothers had just ran out of Marcos office laughing, when they heard a weary loud 'what' coming from the room.

"Hes too loud"Luffy whined

"Im sure we weren't the only ones who heard it"-sabo

"Im sure the whole ship heard."-Ace

and with that they continued. They had made it to the deck when a rather short man approached he had blue eyes and short brown hair, he was wearing some kind of odd looking white and green outfit.

"Whats going on?"- SM (short man)

"Bread head is over reacting"-Ace

"Bread head man?" The man just stood there thoughtful until something seem to click "You mean Thatch?"

"Yes tats who he meant!"-Sabo


"Well if you say so..."-sm

"Hi im Luffy!"-Luffy *smiling*

 "Im Haruta the 12 divis..." Haruta started with hes eyes closed hitting hes fist on hes chest proudly only to open hes eyes to no one in front of him.

The three of them had already wondered far from the ship and were talking about the crew like- 

"That guy looked like a pineapple!"

"That Haruta dude was really short"

"That guy looked like a girl...that was a guy right?"

It had been a few hours until they made it to there old camp site to pack up the stuff they needed.

"They have all this stuff on the ship right?"-Ace

"Yeah but what if don't want them to find out that we got hurt or that we broke something!" Sabo  explained as he stuffed another spice in hes backpack.

"That makes seance, I guess..."-Ace

"Yeah, Sabo's smart!"-Luffy

By the time they made it back to the ship they each had at least 1 huge beast that they pulled along. They made a run for there room to put the bags away, then they went to the kitchen to tell who ever was in charge to go and make them some food, only to be thrown out by one of the female cooks that told them to go wash up. By the time they got done it was dinner time.

The boys sat down in front of Marco, who just stared at them, having this as hes first time to actually have a good look at them.

Ace was wearing black shorts, a orange hat with two blue faces on a read bead thingy going around the hats base. Hes face was covered in child like freckles that did not suet hes mature face features and muscled body.He had black curly/messy hair that went half way down hes neck and he had silver eyes. But there was scar that was on hes chest and slightly of centered on the back looked like some one had burned a hole throw hes chest. 

Sabo was wearing hes usual butten up white shirt that had slightly torn sleeves, jean shorts, and a top hat with blue goggles on its base. Hes face was a bit softer then Aces was but had just as muscled body as hes (Ace's) Hes hair was blond and also curly and the front reached halfway down hes face. Hes cloths mach well with hes blue eyes. Sabo also had a burn mark but hes (sabo's) was over he right eye.

Last but not least Luffy, hes west was open revealing a bi X shaped burn on hes chest, he had blue shorts and Shanks straw hat. He had a round, soft face and even rounder darck brown innocent eyes that looked almost black.he had a scar right under hes left eye that looked like he got to stitches over it. Hes hair was straight but was really messy and looked like it was made from ravens feathers.

"Hay brats."Marco had to speak a bit louder then usual to get the kids attention since they were eating like wild beasts.

"mhh?" Sabo was the only one to respond.

"How did you get those burns?"

The two black haired kids stopped eating and looked at Sabo as the blonds eyes widened. 

The temperature dropped.




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