Part 19

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The grown ups turned around to the blasts directon onlnley to be blinded by the light of it.

"LUFFY, ACE SABO?!" Chopper screamed out "ARE YOU GUYS OKAY?!"

As the dust cleared he followed the sent of the boys only to find Luffys hat on the ground in the spot where they used to stand.

"They aren't there?" Nami asked falling down next to Chopper on the hard ground

"BUT HOW?!" Usopp yelled out in shock

Zoro and Sanji ran up to the straw hat trying to figure out how or where they disappeared to.

Zoro was panicking and looking around as Sanji simply picked up the hat looking into the jungle.

"Do you think something took them?" Sanji asked

"No way!" Zoro exclaimed "Our captain is strong!"

"Maybe they were eaten?" Robin asked with a hand on her chin

"DONT SAY SUCH THINGS!" Usopp yelled turning to the woman "LUFFY IS STRONGER THEN THAT!"

"but you must remember that they are children now." Robin said turning to the men standing instead of her crews captein.

"I HEARD THE NEWS!"  a boy with dark brown hair that went over his slightly seeable bright blue eyes, he was almost as tall as Nami maybe a bit shorter then her. "WHERE ARE THEY?!"

"wou pal chill." Sanji said rising his hands "im sure there okay"

"Sanji-kun who is he?" Nami asked

"oh this is Lee, they are also the first mate of Sabos crew." Sanji said "they share that title with Sara since there twins"

The rest of the crew responded with a slight 'oh'

"SARA GO GET THE REST OF THE CREWS WE'RE GOING TO LOOK FOR THEM!" Lee yelled out to there twin "i swear when i find them-"

"I already got every one on it." The girl ran up to them "and please do not kill anyone on the way."

Lee stormed off into the forest with an angry look on there face passing by Nami.

"OW" Nami yelped out in pain as Lee walked "WHAT THE HELL?!"

"OH MY KAMI!" Sara ran up to Nami

"My hart suddenly got a sharp pain!"

"Im so sorry thats there devil fruit abilty."Sara tried to explain "When he feels an over whelming emotions it goes out of control."

"What kind of power is that?" Chopper asked 

"The pain pain fruit, it can give away the users pain or take someone's pain away. It isnt only fiscal. He cant really express his emotions so its hard to tell."

Hey guys!

Its meeeeee again 

so i have no idea what im doing anymore i wrote th 'BOOM' as a last resort just in case something came mind but nothing came so im here.

if you dont wanna wait just go read other stories(i have a ton of stories)

I have said this before but i need ideas.


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