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"Oh i dont know." Luffy looked at Zoro until just growing like 5 inches taller

"WHA-?" Coby jumped back a bit at the sudden growth

"Luffy had one of those years where you just grow a lot." Sabo explained . "This is also the year we left so he started training alone!"

'a lot of Ace nodding in the background'

"Wow!" The rest of Straw hats came up to them to check it out "So your already 14?" Nami asked.

"YEAH!" Luffy laughed "we went to makino's, and she started crying!"

"You made a beautiful woman cry!" Sanji yelled at the boy's

"She was so happy to see us, so it's not bad!" Ace yelled back at the man.

"I understand why she might start crying." Robin commented "You are rather cut," She said looking at Luffy slightly bending down to pat his head "Especially you captain-san"

"Really!" Luffy smiled closing his eyes, his smile too big for his small face.

"You know what?" Nami asked bending down next to Robin "He doesn't look 14 at all, he looks a bit younger. "

"NO, I'M BIG AND SCARY!" Luffy yelled

"Yes, Luffy but at least you wont look like an ugly grandpa at the age of 40." Nami sighed remembering Law , who seemed to always have a frown on his face.

"why?" Luffy asked not in a 'BUT I WANT IT' way but pure innocent curiosity.

"Well..." Nami thought for a while before answering "If your angry, sad or scared all the time then you get wrinkles and you look old and if you add wrinkles to someone who looks mature, then you look ugly and old."

"Then how come you don't look like an old ugly ha-" Usopp was cut off by Nami's fist.

"Then again you maybe wouldn't get wrinkles because of your devil fruit ability."

This conversation of 'old' made Nami notice how much Luffy had grown.

He was taller and his hat didn't fall on his face every time he moved.

Ace had abs on his exposed stomach, his hat fit perfectly on his head, his eyes were rounder then when he was an adult and his face was a bit softer.

Sabo's eyes were now a bit less grayish and a bit more blueish and they both were taller now. For some reason Sabo was taller then Ace now, just by 1 cm.

The both of them were having an argument about a "IM OLDER SO WHY ARE YOU TALLER!" topic.

Ace was just yelling at Sabo, while the boy just stood there smiling.

"Now, now Ace, We just started our journey, so how about we tell Luffy about it?" Sabo was just tired of being yelled at by a hot headed idiot.

"Oh yeah!" Ace exclaimed

"ARE YOU JUST GOING TO IGNORE ME?!" Garp yelled at the boys


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