The island.1

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No ones P.O.V

The three brats had drank the sake a few days before Garp had came over to check on them.



"What crew?" Garp grabbed the kids by the back of there shirts and stormed off, to his ship.

At the time Luffy was 7 years old while Ace and Sabo where 10 years old.

It had taken a while to get to the island, but when they made it Garp sat the kids down and told them "i will come back every few months so dont try to escape, Ill take you back home when you learned how to use haki and gave up on you're little pirate dream!" And then he left.

5 years later..

Luffy- 12 y.o

Sabo and Ace- 15 y.o

Ace had found the flare flare DF ( Devil fruit) and eaten it. They hadn't mastered haki yet but knew enough to be dangerous.

"LUFFY NO, IF YOU WANT MORE FOOD GO HUNT!" Sabo was yelling at his younger brother who had tried to take the emergency food .

"FINE" Luffy yelled back and stormed off.

Marcos P.O.V

We had stooped at an island that we hadn't seen before to gather supplies, since we didn't know our way around this island pops send me and a few others to explore.

The group looked like this me, Thatch and Izo.

We had been wondering around for a few hours. Nothing was setting off alarms, but the beasts were stronger.

We had made it to the other side of the island when...

"Stupid Sabo with his stupid rules..."We saw a kid wondering around so we hid in the bushes, he was mumbling something. He had a bright red sleeveless vest, blue knee length shorts, a iron pipe on his back and ...IS THAT SHANKS'S HAT?!?

We had run into Shanks and his crew a while ago, he had lost his arm and hat. This kid has the hat. Is he the one who cut off Shanks's arm? He cant be more then 12 years old....

I jumped up from my hiding spot.

Luffys P.O.V

I had left the others and went hunting.

I had been walking for a few minutes and mumbling stuff about Sabo, until i felt weird so i stopped talking.

Suddenly a man jumped up from the bushes and acting on instinct i garbed my pipe and took a fighting stance.

"Whats wrong?" i heard another man in the bushes and there is one more on the other side of him.

"That hat... where did you get it?" The man looked at me like i was his greatest enemy.

" A friend.." I suddenly wished i hadn't walked so far from home.

I put my pipe on my back and ran back to camp.

Before i know it the man was jumping on my back and i screamed. He was sitting on my back and took my hat in his hand and looked at it.

"its not yours, give it back!" I tried to yell but it came out less intimidating then i wanted it to. It was hard to breath with him on my back. I started tearing up.

"No doubt about it, it's Sha..."


Ace had tried to hit the man on the head but his pipe didn't hit his head.Ace was now trying to get his pipe out of the blond pineapples grip.



Sabo had hit the man from behind,making the man let go of the pipe. He just looked at Sabo with blood running down his forehead. Sabo just looked back at him wit fear in his eyes but still was in fighting stance and so was Ace.

"Where did he get this hat?" He just lifted my hat hire so that both of my brothers can see.

"Someone gave it to him." Ace said not relieving too much information.


I had managed to turn around enough hit him with one of my haki covered fists, making him fall back a bit giving me a chance to run.

I got out from under him and ran towards Ace, but failed my hat was still in his hand and on my neck. He puled me closer to him and garbed my neck instead of my hat.

"Blond kid," he looked at Sabo from the corner of his eye " Go next to the other kid" Sabo slowly walked next to Ace, as 2 other men walked closer.

"why does he have this hat?"He asked again

"Why should we tell you?" Ace spat back.

The mans grip on the back of my neck started to burn, I grid my teeth and tried not to scream, but failed. tears started to come up to my eyes.

"OKAY, OKAY WE'LL TELL YOU WHAT EVER YOU WANT. PLEASE JUST STOP!" Sabo yelled with tears in his own eyes.

Ace looked the man dead in the eyes and said."Shanks gave him that hat..."

"Alright, that wasn't so hard, was it?Next question. Why are 3 little kids here ?"The blond man asked with a satisfied look on his face which made Ace even more mad.

Ace burst into flame and jumped on the man with a war cry, but stopped as my neck started to smoke again and i let out a louder scream tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Answer my question."The man said in a low voice and gave ace a death glare.

"Old geezer..." Ace looked away as he whispered under his breath.

"Is that the reason or are you trying to insult me?" I started screaming louder as hes grip tightened on my already burning neck.

"Marco, that's too harsh...."One of the men behind us spoke up, he looked like a girl.

"Fine..." The burning on my neck stopped after a loud sigh escaped the mans mouth, and i was panting.

So Ace and Sabo explained what had been going on for the past 5 years.

The blond man then let go of my neck and i ran to my brothers, Sabo took me in a tight, protective hug as Ace had taken a fighting stance in front of us with on of hes hands blocking the mans wive of us and in the other holding his pipe.

"Okay last question." -Marco

"What do you want pineapple man?"I shouted at him as hes amused smile grew bigger

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