Travel with them. 4

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no pov

The boys were now sitting on a bed in a room that was filed with a bed, bedside table,desk and a rather empty bookshelf.

"What do we do now?"-Sabo

"We stay on the ship until they can get us back to Dawn island.(the island they come from)"-Ace

"they dont seem like bad people tho!"-Luffy

"...Is that all?"Ace and Sabo turned to Luffy with a suspicious look on there faces.

"And im hungry" Luffy added with a bright smile and giggled.

"WE AREN'T LISTENING TO YOUR STOMACH!" Both of the older boys yelled out as they hit a now laughing Luffy on the head, but it all went quiet as the sensed some one come into there range of haki.

Then there was a nok on the door as it swung open.

"Jeez, you guys are too serious for kids your age "-Thatch

"Oh yeah? I never noticed."Sabo looked at the man nervelessly as he spoke.

"Yeah! And you would be good at telling lies if you wouldn't be so nerves. Pops has a father instinct that picks up on emotions and so does Marco, it freaks me out some times." He told the boys with a bright smile adding the last part as an after thought tho.

"Any ways i made lunch and pops wants to question you more."He waved to the three kids as he left.

Sabo and Ace both let out a long tired sigh as Luffy jumped off the bed happily, ready to eat some food.

When the three of them made it back on deck they were greeted by one of the crew members that led them to the room where every one was gathered and eating, the man led them to sit in front of the rather big man that the crew called 'pops'.

"You kids got a lot of guts telling lies to the face of the strongest ma-"-white beard

"So what, old geezer?!" Luffy yelled out at the man as the hall went quiet. Ace turned to Luffy and slapped both of hes hands on Luffys mouth but they were soon torn off, as Luffy and Ace started a fight while Sabo just sat there whith hes eyes closed and hes face twisted in annoyance.

After a few minutes had past Sabo had grabbed a flying Luffy by the the head as he was being tossed by Ace.

Whitebeard just laught at the kids as he started to speak "I still have questions for you brats."

Ace had taken Luffys seat as Sabo went to Aces and Luffy sat in Sabos seat.

"Introduce your self's!"-whitebeard(im just going to write pops from now)

"Im Sabo, this jerk here is Ace and the loud one is Luffy"Sabo said in a bit calmer tone pointing from brother to brother. Ace had hes arms crossed and was looking away from any of the people that were on the crew, as Luffy was looking around yelling something about wanting to eat meat.

"Well then lets get you some food."Aces head snapped to the man in front of him and Luffy sat back in hes seat now with a big grin on hes face as hes eyes lit up.

They had just ate, but Sabo was used to hes brothers being hungry 24/7.

The boys got there bowls of food that they the ravens swallowed whole the second they got it, having nothing to do they ran around the hall secretly staling food, but after a few laps they were almost back at where thy were sited as Ace started slowing down and swaying a bit.

when they got behind Sabo Ace fell into Sabos arm that he had stretched out to catch hes sleeping brother.

Every one went into panic mode except Sabo and Luffy who were playing rock paper sisers to determent who would carry him to there room. Luffy lost.

Luffy was holding hes big brother like a ball between hes arm and waist as he left just at that moment Marco had come troug the door and was confused to see the hall in an absolute mess.

Every one was freaking out except the kids. He had just saw the shortest of the bunch carry out the unconscious tallest as the blond just sat there calmly eating hes soup.


"The kid just collapsed."- Thatch

"No,"Sabo turned to the crowd of panicking people with a calm expression and explained "Hes narcoleptic."

"Narca-what? Its a big word i dont understand it."-thach

"Its when you randomly fall asleep."- Marco

"Also, can we pleas get more food?"-Sabo

"But you guys already ate your fair share!"- Izo

"We'll hunt, just cook it for us."-Sabo

And with that he was off.

Im sorry i this is stupid i finished the chapter at 2 in the morning.



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