Untitled Part 3

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"Haven't heard of 'em" The man just raised an eyebrow at the boy and let down the other two.

"Dont get mad at him, he has no idea whats going on!" Sabo told the man getting in a protective stance in front of Luffy, and so did Ace.

"I'm not mad, just surprised - yoi."- Marco

"Yeah its a big shocker." Both of the other men came up the cliff with bruised faces and legs.

"Yes, I'm Izo and this is Thatch" The cross dresser informed.

"So ya coming?"- Thatch

"We don't have a choice, do we?" -Sabo

"Nope!" The brown haired man exclaimed in an exited voice.

They had been walking for an hour or so, and finally made it to the ship.

The 3 men walked on bored, but the three brats stopped to look at the huge wheal like ship.

"What took you so long? Its already getting dark!"- Random man

"We ran in some trouble-yoi"- Marco

The ship suddenly went quiet and the kids stepped away from the ship.

"We'd like you to meet the trouble!"-Thatch smiled at his crew and went to get the boys.When he came back, he was pushing the three boys, white beards lough was heard through out the ship while the rest of the crew stood there confused.

White beard stopped laughing and turned to the kids "What are your names, brats?"

The three exchanged glances and nodded "I'm Sato and these are my brothers Gorudo(Ace-gold in the google translator-Japanese) Mon Kay (Luffy- like monkey)"Sabo lied to the pirates just to be safe.

"Then what are your full names ?"Sabo froze at the question and his eyes got wide as he looked around for something to help, and he spoke up again whenhes eyes landed on Luffy. "Kay, i'm Sato Kay and my brothers Gorudo Kay and Mon Kay"

"Alright, you look nothing alike, whys that?" White beard questioned more.

The boys started to panic, so Ace came up with an idea"OUR MOm!"Ace's voice cracked at the end of the sentence "Had curly blond hair and brown eyes!" Sabo understood what Ace was doing, so he joined in,"And our dad had black hair and blue eyes!"

"well the both of spoke what about the other one?"he didn't stop asking the kids, he was sure they were hiding something from him.

"THEY DIED!"Luffy yelled the first thing that came to mind he had already started tearing up from the stress of the situation.

"YES!Mon was too young to remember them!"-Sabo

"Alright, i have more questions but those will have to wait. For now, Vista show them to a free room." A tall man with a mustache came out from the group of people that were gathered on bored.

"We can sty at our camp, but thanks!"Ace spat back crossing his arms not dearing to run just in case they would come after hes brothers, not to mansion that there camp was too far away.

"No i insist."


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