Chapter 17

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"You work as fast as your father." A deep but mellow voice stated.

Elliot wasn't startled by the statement. He knew that the man was coming the moment he stepped inside the hundred kilometer radius barrier he set up.

"No. I was watching her for a long time." Elliot refuted as he looked at the beautiful woman walking barefoot on the beach. Her white summer dress was short and baggy. Her beautiful long legs were exposed which made Elliot's brow slightly furrowed.

Still, he made no action to prevent her wearing whatever she wanted.

"You got married without them." The man felt sweat on his palm upon thinking that he was responsible for informing the two of their son's marriage.

"Too bad. It's his fault." Elliot replied nonchalantly.

That's not the point, right? The man thought while thinking that there was no time when the pair of father and son didn't give him trouble.

Still, the man glanced at the woman walking on the beach then on Elliot who was sipping lemonade in the beachside bar.

"You haven't marked her yet?" He curiously asked.

Elliot gripped his glass a little tighter when he heard the question. He remembered how he was so close to marking her this morning.

"She doesn't know.. about our kind yet." Elliot huskily answered. "I don't want to scare her or make her feel that she has an obligation to me." He added.

In fact, Elliot was scared. Iris was a human and doesn't have anything to do with the werekind. Elliot was afraid that Iris would leave him if she finds out that he was not a normal man.

Thus, he planned for a long time. He needed to make her fall in love with him before he slowly introduced her to his world.

The man sighed. "Having a human mate is hard. They feel no mating pull and it was close to impossible to find them." He uttered and glanced at Elliot with a knowing look before saying, "You sacrificed a lot just so you can find her."

"She's more than worth it." Elliot's eyes never left Iris the whole time.


If I move my face a little to the side the sun will shine on it and will give the best effect. Thank goodness I bought a lot of sunscreen. Iris thought as she carefully moved her face to face the sky.

She was a beautiful woman and she had been learning how to project herself to look better. Still, she was putting more effort on it since Elliot was watching her.

He was wearing a plain casual summer shirt and pants. He looked gloriously sexy by just sitting on the beachside bar stool. Iris couldn't help herself and stole another glance at him.

He's looking at me, he's looking at me, he's looking at me. Iris was internally flustered but kept a calm and serene expression.

Suddenly, she heard a camera clicking on her side. She looked at her side and found a man with a camera pointed at her.

"Beautiful miss, can I take more of your photos? You, looking at the sky, are stunning!" The man gave her an enthusiastic smile.

Iris was used to people asking for her photographs so she wasn't too surprised by the man. She was about to politely decline when she saw Elliot grab the camera from the man and said, "You can't."

The man felt fearful when he saw Elliot's eyes. However, he was a professional photographer through and through! Thus, despite his fear, his eyes sparkled when he saw the beautiful man in front of him.

"This guy.. Can I take a photo of you? I'm professional!" He blurted. "Look.. look at my camera! The photos of the beautiful girl are stunning!" He hastily added when he noticed Elliot's dark expression.

Elliot raised his brow at the man before checking the camera he just confiscated. Then, he saw the photo of Iris.

Her hair was swaying with the wind as she looked at the sky. Her eyes looked serene and she had a small smile on her face. Elliot's heart pounded as he stared at the stunning photograph. Then and there, he decided that he will print a big copy of this picture and hang it on the wall of his study.

Of course, Iris also wanted to look at her photo so she walked over Elliot. She grabbed his hands down so she could see the camera. It seemed she was satisfied with the photo as she commented, "Ohhhh."

Elliot's heart felt warm as he looked at the girl holding his hands. Thus, he looked at the photographer and said, "I'll buy this camera." Then, he put his hand on Iris' waist and urged her to walk away.

The stunned photographer was about to run after the leaving pair when, suddenly, there was a man in front of him.

"Is this enough for the photo and camera?" He asked while handing a check to the photographer. The latter took a peek at the check and his eyes widened so big when he saw the amount written therein.

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