Chapter Seventeen

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Who Are You? 

Chapter Seventeen


Lucas kisses me for the first time.

I feel his soft lips and his hot breath touches mine before he nibbles my lower lip. Suddenly, I feel something sweet and sensual coming from his mouth. Not that I can do anything about it, because for one, the shyness in me came all out in full force. And for the second reason, I don't know how to respond to him since this is the first time that someone kisses me in my whole life.

Being kissed is.. such magnificent feeling. It is like you and your partner are connected. And, being connected with Lucas is something magnificent.

"Wow." Someone exclaims beside me. I involuntarily look at the source of the voice and see the curly blond guy I pointed out earlier. He is looking at us with his grin so wide it almost splits his face.

It is only then that I realize that here with us are the pack members and that Lucas was in the middle of telling them his instructions when he suddenly got me in his arms and kissed me. Without any warning to all sides involved.

Feeling very embarrassed, I push my mate away from me and block my lips with my hand. Lucas merely look down on me, his eyes which look startled are searching mine before he gives me a small smirk. He must have seen my embarrassment and approved of it.

"They kissed.." I hear another soft whisper before it was shushed by someone. This time the whisper sounds like a small girl. This made me more embarrassed because.. even the kids saw us.

Lucas, on the other hand, nonchalantly look at the pack and tell Tristan to handle the training sessions before he whisks me away from the crowd and head down to the pack house.

Lucas only managed a few steps when I catch the eyes of my father who is looking at me with disdain and disapproval. My heart shakes from the looks he is giving me. However, it is not because of sadness from the way my parents treats me.

For as long as I can remember, I am always treated by my family with despise. I long ago gotten over it and never felt any emotion over their lack of love for me. However, this time, I am really annoyed by how he looks at me.

Like, how dare he look at me with disapproval!

They far long back disowned me. They are not even my family anyway. I do not need their approval.

Furthermore, I am their Luna now before I am anything else to them. That's right. I am their alpha's mate. Nobody is allowed to look down on me.

My blood boils with my former father's show of disrespect.


Lucas must have felt the shift on my mood and stops walking. He stands there and looks at me with questioning eyes. I stare back at him and my brows went up when I realize something.

When did he start showing emotions in his eyes? He was usually expressionless and his face never betrayed emotions.

You started learning about him.

I am startled when I hear the voice in my head.

This voice again. Who are you?

You will know.. soon.

You.. must..soon!

The voice's only reply to me.

When? I ask it. However, I didn't hear any reply from it anymore.

Instead, I am brought out of my internal dialogue by a hand on my face.

I look at Lucas who is looking at me with worry in his eyes. The sight of him warmth my heart. He is clearly looking after me. Forget my family, forget anyone. I have a person who loves me and takes care of me.

However, this only dampens and does not completely extinguish the fury I have inside for my father. Soon, I'll deal with it. For now, I will focus on my mate.

So, I just shake my head and smile at him. Lucas takes a few seconds before he heads to the pack house.

x x x

Powerful gust of wind startles me awake from my sleep and I let a small gasp out of my mouth when I see a somehow familiar sight in front of me.

On the skies are dark and angry clouds scattered pitifully in the air. Like the strong wind didn't allow a group of cloud to form. Loud roaring of thunder and large streaks of lightning are accompanying it.

The ground is more of a mess. No trees or other living things are present. Only soil is the part of nature that can be found on the ground. The soil is not flat and looks like it has been whipped.

On top of the ground are series of chains. A hundred, no.. a thousand of them where merciless dug in the soil.

On the middle of the thousands of chains is a very beautiful lady. Her hair white as a cloud is swaying beautifully with the forceful wind. Her face, as beautiful as an angel looks undisturbed with her violent surrounding. Her eyes are closed like she is sleeping in a soft and comfortable bed.

She is wearing a sparkling light violet dress robe. The beauty of this dress is so much that even Moon Goddess will want to wear it. Despite the thousands of rusty chains imprisoning her body, the beautiful dress does not have a single dirt on it.

Her feet are bare and she is standing directly at the floor. On her ankles are big heavy chains that sprawled up onto her legs. Her waist is tightly imprisoned by other thousands of chains, her hands are around her torso and the bulk of chains are surrounding it.

Despite this, the face of this beauty looks calm and serene.

I look dumbfounded on her. Who is this person?

You have found me.

I have been waiting.

This voice.. it is the voice I heard. I look surprised at the woman who did not move at all.

Who are you?

I can not.

You must.. know me. You must know me.. soon.

But how can I know you if you won't tell me who you are? And why soon? Is there something that is bound to happen?

I cannot tell you.

Trust yourself.

How exasperating. Who is she and where am I? What is going to happen?

I stare at the chained woman who did not show any sign of movement. However, deep in my heart, I know it is her who's talking to me.

Look.. for me.

Feel the wind.

Feel the power of the wind.

x x x

I gasp and take a deep breath. I look around me and find the same room that I am currently using. After Lucas brought us to the pack house, he insisted that I eat some chicken and fruits before sending me back to bed.

I must have been dreaming. But that chained woman, and the voice in my head.. it does not make sense at all.

Remembering what I was told in my dream, I lift up my hand in front of my face.

Feel the wind.. and its power?

Those different colors.. those are energies. The wind have helped me sensed them.

I need to figure itall out.. soon.

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Thanks for reading. Update is next Sunday - 3 chapters 

For everyone who previously read this story on other platforms (except iReader and Anystories) - please be informed that my story (rough draft) was published on Dreame, web novel, Good reads, facebook, and other sites  by other users without my permission. After filing series of reports and complaints, my story was taken down on these platforms. Moreover, I took down the rough draft and would be posting my edited version of the story here, three chapters every Sunday. Thank you for understanding. 

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