Chapter 6 - The Fight

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TW/CW — violence, brutality

      The door opened as though it had happened because of the gust. However, a moment later, a massive silhouette emerged from the shadow. Trevor recognised him at once—he was the one who had put him to sleep using the syringe the first time. The man was so big that he had barely fitted through the door frame. The pair of fangs, visible because of his smile, sparkled into their eyes.

      'Here you are,' said the man with an American accent, closing the door behind him.

      Trevor got up to his feet on the instant, he felt a sudden need to get closer to William, with whom he felt most safe. Not only did he place himself behind his fellow vampire, but he also grabbed his hand. Taken by surprise, William jumped at first, raising his free hand to his chest. However, once he'd familiarised himself with the situation, he quickly strengthened their grip. They exchanged smiles as a sign of mutual support; it helped to sooth them both a little and gave them some additional courage.

       'What do you want!?' William shouted, positioning himself before Trevor. His face was in a scowl.

      'Oh, Willy, we just wanna end this charade,' he explained, his arms outstretched. He took a few steps, which made the other two go backwards. 'Give us the human back and give up. It'll get back to normal. Just like it was before you started this whole mess, I promise.'

      'I'm sorry, Jackson, but your words have no power over me. I'm certain,' he stated with a calm voice.

      He shook his head in disappointment. 'Maybe they don't have the power, but my fists surely do,' he said, while rolling up his sleeves. The muscles on his arms were tense.

      All of the sudden, Jackson rushed towards them. It had happened so fast that, for a second, Trevor wasn't aware he'd been pushed out of the fight. In addition, his eyes proved a bit too slow to perceive what the fight looked like first-hand.

      On the contrary, William felt as if it was happening in slow-motion. A number of possible blows were coming at him, but he was able to dodge most of them. However, Jackson somehow managed to grab William by his shirt collar anyway. He threw the blond in the old-fashioned mirror, which shattered under the impact of the hit. Fortunately, the frame hadn't fallen on him, but numerous spear-like pieces were lying around the floor now as a consequence.

      William knelt on the ground, locks of his hair covering his face. 'You have no idea who you're dealing with,' he said as he looked up at his opponent, tossing his hair off his eyes. At that moment, he appeared so vulnerable, so defenceless. Otherwise, he most likely wouldn't have been able to reach for a long shard, and stick it right in the man's stomach. Then Jackson groaned in shock and took a step back. William used that occasion to pull the shard down, deepening the wound further.

      Jackson had been tricked, though he thought these intentions had been too obvious to overlook; it was what made him so furious. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw blood trickling down his legs, and decided to go for a powerful kick, causing William to release his hold on the weapon. Nonetheless, it was still stuck in his stomach, which wasn't convenient at all. He had to quickly take it out and throw it away from the fight.

      Once the shard had slid off to the corner of the room, William knew his chances for a win had decreased. He tried to get to his feet, and reached up to his chest. But Jackson pulled his arm away before clutching his hand around the blond's neck in a tight grip. He pushed William against the wall and started choking him, while thinking about how to knock him out.

      'Didn't wanna see you like that, Willy. You're makin' me do it,' he said as he pressed the blond harder to the wall. His throat must have been already half crushed.

      Trevor had hidden himself behind the bed so that just his head stuck out. Despite that he did not feel safe there, since he now watched in terror as William was choked to death. It was also his sole chance to escape. He reckoned the other two were too preoccupied with each other to note whether he sneaked out. However, his conscience couldn't let him do so, or else an image of the dead vampire would haunt him forever.

      He crouched to get behind Jackson, while avoiding stepping on a broken piece of the mirror. Being without a plan, he was improvising. Additionally, his limbs were trembling in fear, which reminded him of the evening he'd met William. The very person who put his life at risk to save him. For a moment, this thought gave him enough strength to pick up the biggest shard from the floor. After standing up with haste, Trevor swung it two-handed. There was no turning back.

      It penetrated deep into Jackson's neck, causing the vampire to falter and loosen the grip. Because the blade might have even reached his spine. Trevor, to his own sake, preferred not to think about such a possibility. Meanwhile, William had to regain much needed stamina. Wasting no time, he shoved the man's hand off his neck, then started gasping for breath. After getting back in shape, he reached for a pendant around his neck.

      Then Jackson turned around to the brunet, who let go of the shard at once, and punched him in the nose. This resulted in Trevor falling to the ground, blood running down his mouth. He was terrified, the position he was in was so exposed to an upcoming blow. However, William managed to pull the vampire away before he could do any harm, and threw the pendant at him that was shaped like a test tube with a plug. It smashed in contact with Jackson's face, and liquid spilled over his eyes, making him scream in pain.

      'Got you, Jack,' said William through clenched teeth; a smile was visible on his expression. 'You didn't expect that, did you?' he continued, while grabbing the two ends of the shard, which was still stuck in the man's neck.

      After that William pulled the blade with the rest of his strength to the other side, causing the vampire's head to fall on the ground, right in front of Trevor. Who then screamed in horror, getting to his feet immediately. He was removing dust from his trousers as he watched the head roll on the floor, his face grimaced. In the meantime, William disabled the remains of Jackson's decapitated body.

      William decided to break the silence. 'He'll be fine.'

      'What?' Trevor asked, his eyes wide open. But he did not want to get an answer from the blond. Whatever it would be, it had to have something in common with this vampire stuff. Instead, he shrugged his shoulders and walked away from the head, which was looking at him with an absent gaze. 

That's actually first fight scene I've ever written and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. 

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