Chapter 23 - Under a tree

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As it turned out, the next day wasn't the one when they would leave. Daniel still wasn't feeling his best; his whole body was sore, throat dry, and bones stiff. The rest, of course, wasn't going anywhere without him. So they spent their morning on having breakfast, toasts with strawberry jam to be exact; then the time left to dinner was intended for packing their stuff so that it wouldn't just lie around the van's floor and its counters. A few things belonged to Eleonora, while a fair amount was William's—though most William's things were shared with Trevor, who sadly didn't have any of his belongings. Most likely, they waited for his coming back or, if his flatmates lost their hope, had been transported to his parents' house.

After they finished having dinner, Eleonora and Trevor agreed to do the dishes. She stood in front of the sink, her hands on its frame, while he was right beside her. However, William joined them shortly before they were about to start, and extended his open hand to the brunet, who took it, glancing at the woman, his eyebrows furrowed in surprise.

'Where're we going?' he asked rather firmly, but there was a childlike grin on his face.

'Don't make me spoil the surprise. You'll find out soon yourself. Just be patient.'

William's answers usually weren't rich in details, and everyone had got used to it. Sometimes it was even strange when he would add too many specifics into his speech. Then it felt like they weren't entirely his but someone else's, like he somehow wasn't making them himself.

Trevor guessed that they were heading for the forest; William at the front, Trevor right behind him, and their hands in a grip. Soon leaves began to crunch under their shoes; sometimes a sudden crack of a stick would add its sound to the melody. When they travelled a considerable distance, the blond stopped, turned around, and looked at Trevor, twinkling at him.

They weren't anywhere too exciting. There were lots of massive trees around them, whose leafy crowns were blocking most of the sunlight so that they were covered with shadows. Also, moss was growing there on almost every surface.

'What are we doing? Why are we—'

However, Trevor couldn't finish speaking, as William put his forearm on his chest and pushed the brunet onto a tree, pressing his back to its trunk. Then their lips glued to each other, shutting them both up completely. It all took Trevor by surprise, so he shut his eyes, like it was their first kiss. But, of course, it wasn't. The time he had kissed William wasn't the first one throughout his life, either. There had been a few people before him—mostly men—whose common feature was that they were all more or less forgettable and underwhelming. His first kiss, which he had dreamed would be an intimate moment, had taken place behind his elementary school, when he had been attending such. It was a quick smooch, like they both wanted to get over with it, forgetting the point to enjoy it at least a little.

Though it was never the case with William. They had always tried to make it as pleasurable as possible, so their kisses had always brought tingles down their spines. Each time they would kiss they felt like there was something new to try, new parts of each other's character to discover. Although it was their third kiss, it felt like it was their hundredth. Because their moments of closeness were always full of passion and love, though love could have been a little too strong word for them right now. Did they love each other? It seemed like it. But were they ready to say it out loud? Certainly no. Those things took time, and theirs weren't different.

They separated for a moment, gasping for breath.

'It was a nice surprise. I must admit,' Trevor panted. After that he beamed at the vampire, his eyes looking down as he was standing on a thick root.

'But was it better than this one?' he asked before quickly kissing the brunet on his lips.

Trevor chuckled; he felt like a teenager again. 'Hmm, I think we need to go one more time for me to tell.'

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