Chapter 28 - On edge

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Trevor had fallen asleep within minutes after he'd closed his eyes. The night was quiet, without any groans, creaks, or squeaks. So it shouldn't have been difficult to notice the door open, slowly yet steadily, but neither Eleonora nor Trevor did—they were too exhausted, too helpless. They had gone through so much.

The silhouette squeezed through the gap in the door, the moonlight casting their shadow onto the floor. They then closed the door so as not to make any noise, not to awaken anyone apart from the very person who was supposed to be awake.

With the corners of his mouth raised, William watched as they approached him, tiptoeing their way to the leftmost pole. They knelt down, and their thickly gloved hands began to untie the vampire by straightening the wires. They released William and let him stand up. He had to form circles with his neck while stretching his legs, which had become sore from two days of sitting. He then nodded to them and they split up.

William went to untie Trevor, while the stranger to the front door, where they pressed their back against the wooden surface. He squatted down and tore the rope apart in one spot, so he wouldn't have to waste time untangling it. After tossing the rope aside, he patted the brunet on his cheek, his soft skin sinking under his hand.

Trevor slowly opened his eyes to see William staring at him with a tender yet ambiguous smile. Despite their closeness, his first reaction was to flinch and push himself backwards, away from him, his spine pressing against the pole. He couldn't help wondering: Why is he here? How did he break free? For a moment he thought he was hallucinating.

"Don't be afraid. It's me," William whispered to him, his thumb rubbing against his cheek.

Trevor fumbled for words. "How?" he managed to ask at last.

But William didn't answer. He shook his head, put his index finger to Trevor's lips, and hushed him. "This isn't the right time to ask questions. I'm sorry." And he took his hand away and kissed the tip of his nose.

When he was about to stand up and walk away, Trevor grabbed him firmly by the t-shirt, the fabric folding between his fingers, and pulled the vampire towards him. He joined their lips in a kiss, passionate and long-lasting. With satisfaction, he watched William's eyes close and muscles relax. His other hand was wandering over his ribs, waist, and even hips, the shapes feeding his imagination. And only when it satisfied him enough, did he let him go, although reluctantly.

Trevor was left alone—a flush on his cheeks and a smirk on his lips. He watched as William crept to Eleonora, his steps as silent as those of a thief. However, then he saw a silhouette standing by the door. A shiver went up his spine, and his shoulders hunched. His heart seemed to leap in his chest, since he jumped from one emotion to the other in just a moment. They were strangely familiar, familiarly short. Who was that person? What were they doing here?

He stood up immediately and hurried to William. His eyes didn't look away from the person who looked like a hooded statue. By the time he joined them, William had already untied Eleonora. She didn't seem fine—her legs were trembling. Trevor felt that too. They hadn't eaten in two days after all. Apparently, the vampires wanted to weaken them so that they wouldn't be able to escape.

Trevor put his hand on the blond's shoulder. "Someone's standing by the door, William." His voice was breathy.

The vampire smiled in response. "I know. Don't worry about him. He's with us."

He couldn't smile back. Don't worry about him. How was he supposed to not worry? There was a stranger helping them. And who was he even? William had seemed to have no friends left, to be on his own. At least he'd thought they were alone. If he had such an ace up his sleeve, a nameless, mysterious friend, he would have used it earlier, and yet the blond hadn't. It couldn't turn out fine. It couldn't be alright, could it?

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