Chapter 36 - Eleonora

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Trevor slumped down in the driver's seat; Eleonora did the same but in the passenger's one seconds later. He first squeezed the steering wheel in what seemed like pure childish enthusiasm, then shot her a wide smile, before finally turning the key in the ignition. The headlights lit up as the engine broke the silence with its vibrant murmur, both of which reminded Trevor of the power he now possessed as the driver. Then, adjusting the gear and stepping on the gas, he set the car in motion. Even so, their way was yet to be dictated by Eleonora, who was searching the web for the most nice-looking hotels in the area, the phone in her hand.

After turning onto the first asphalt lane, Trevor wished he could pull down the windows and feel the air tousling his hair, even if it was rather impossible, as it looked like a mess already. But his face would freeze off first.

"Do we have money to get something fancy?" Trevor asked, peeking at her.

Eleonora didn't look up from the screen, she hummed a confirmation instead. Only after a moment did she delve into the details, so Trevor could look away. "Yeah. The vampires had plenty hidden in the van. Luckily, Jackson and William knew exactly where to find it."

He couldn't hide a smile and didn't want to. "Party," he chirped, stepping on the gas, the engine roaring in response.

Eleonora was mostly quiet after this. Even so, it wasn't a problem. At that time of the day, apart from theirs, no cars were rolling along any lane. Trevor could relax. He turned up the radio and rested his head against the seat, before starting to tap his fingers against the wheel to the melody. It felt like he was in charge of his life again. He was living anew, because what he'd had then was hardly a life, rather survival.

Helping to keep Trevor's sanity in shape, William was far away with all his secrets and mysteries the brunet didn't have the strength to solve or worry about anymore. It was looking great for the first time after all this mess that had lately become his life.

"Okay, I found something," Eleonora told him, swiftly turning to sit sideways. "Do you trust my instinct? Or do I need to show you?"

"I do." He nodded almost immediately. "I have a question, though. Will it have a shower we can use?"

"Yes," she nearly squealed, jumping in excitement. "There's even a sweet photo of it. Wanna see?"

"No," he said, "I don't want us to crash into a tree or something."

She smiled just as Trevor glanced at her. "Fair point. But I guess I won't use the shower today."

"Yeah. Me too," he agreed. "We're both going straight to bed then."

And they did so. After staggering into the reception to get the card, which worked as a key, they went up the hall to their room. Neither of them bothered changing their clothes. They simply slammed the door shut behind them, collapsed onto their beds, each had their own, and fell asleep almost as soon as their cheek touched the pillow. It felt like flying.

If something had kept Trevor awake, he would wonder how he'd ended up sleeping in an actual bed and not in the result of some kind of improvising. He'd wonder whether he would leave soon, return to normality. No one was going after him anymore, after all, so theoretically he could go home.

Even asleep, he didn't want anything more. It was what he dreamed of—going home, working again, and seeing his parents again. He dreamed about his previous life as well, before all this happened, before he fell in love with William, before he even knew him, before he knew anything about the very existence of the vampires in this world and other equally terrifying supernatural beings. Honestly, this life seemed so much easier to him.

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